Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Trade Union Development
Trade Union Development in Jamaica & Trinidad & Tobago Trade Unionism: Hugh W. Springer ? Trade Unionism is an instrument of social change and progress. It had to be invented because it is a necessary part of the apparatus of democratic government in modern industrial society. In the West Indies the Trade Union Movement came into existence as part of the larger movement for the freedom and independent nationhood. ?Economic Conditions that contributed to Discontentment in the Region ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1st Great Depression late 19th Century Low Wages / Increased mechanisation of processes (affected mostly women) Rising Prices / Rising Cost of Living Increasing Unemployment & Underemployment Reduction in Working Hours 1929 Financial Crisis in the USA Other: ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â No Machinery to air grievances Lack of political and legal rights Unsanitary working conditions Role of the Media ? ? ?Dissemination of information that reached the masses (Newspapers) but National Newspaper pro moted capitalist interests Audio and Visual information through Radio broadcast and news reels at cinemas Case: A group of intellectuals developed a radical critique that help to shape a new political culture in Trinidad, they did so through ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â A literary journal called Trinidad The beacon magazine There was also a similar type of vehicle used in Jamaica called the Plain Talk, a Garveyite weekly newspaper edited by Alfred Mendez & Public Opinion used by local intellectuals to write letters and articlesWorld Events as well as Social Factors that Contributed to Greater Levels of Consciousness at a Regional Level attacks on the Abyssinians ââ¬â aroused anti-white feelings among the blacks ? Italian ? The repatriation of Labourers who had gone to Latin America ?Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association ââ¬â which increased class solidarity and the advocacy of Trade Unionism as well as it contributed to the spread of Marxist id eas ââ¬â workers had taken power and property from the Capitalist ? Russia ? Ex-servicemen returning home after World War 1Welcome to Jamaica ââ¬Å"Gud feh si yuhâ⬠Conditions Unique to Jamaica ? ? ? ? ? Crisis in Banana Production Mass migration in Kingston and St. Andrew Areas (urban) The Radicalisation of Waterfront Workers The influence of Marcus Garvey (who was deported back to JA from the US in1927) The Emergence of Rastafarianism ââ¬â Leonard Howell Late 19th Century ? ? ? Angry protest broke out in many of the colonies Trade Unions were still illegal At least 16 serious disturbances occurred between 1884-1905 according to Bolland ââ¬â ââ¬â Most in Jamaica (1884,1894,1895,1901,1902 & 1912) Trinidad 1903Jamaica ? ? ? The largest economy of the region They took the lead in confronting the Colonial Power-Structure Their history of rebellion ââ¬â ââ¬â Maroons victory in 1738 Morant Bay Rebellion in 1865 ââ¬â in which Governor Eyre had to expediti ously abolish the Representative type Government and it found approval with the colonial office ââ¬â New Constitution introduced ââ¬â Crown Colony The Representative Type of Government Governors (representing the Imperial Powers) Conflict over power in the system particularly concerning finance Legislators (local vested Interest)Local Crown Colony Structure Resident Governor (Autocratic Power) Executive Council (Policy ââ¬â making) Legislative Assembly Nominated (majority) / Elected (minority) Jamaica ? Brief Overview ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â Prior to emancipation (during apprenticeship) there was a noticeable trek of wage labour Land acquisition had become popular among former slaves By the 1860s the majority of the labour force comprised of small farmers, peasants, rural (nonstate) labourers and independent semi-skilled tradesman ââ¬â growing Black Middle Class Jamaica Pre 1930 ? ? ?Between World War I & II, there were more vocalising of colonial exploitation and oppression The Mass movement Bedwardism, a quasireligious body of unemployed labourers was becoming popular The movement of Garveyism ââ¬â philosophy of negritude improvement and denunciation of the white-power regime ââ¬â United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) Jamaica Pre 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? Both Bedwardism & Garveyism as Mass Movements suffered from the alienation of the Middle-Class Jamaicans But the Middle Class too was involved in the struggle with several quasi-political & nationalist organisations ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬âSocial Reconstruction League The National Reform Association The Jamaica Progressive League Early Organised Labour ? ? ? Workers at the Kingston Ice Factory went on strike in 1917 and several were imprisoned In 1918 tram and dock workers began organising Several strikes took place in 1918 as a matter of fact a strike among sugar workers resulted in violent police action where 3 people were killed and several others injuredEarly Organised La bour Conââ¬â¢t ? ? ? In 1919 railway workers formed a ââ¬Ëunion under coverââ¬â¢ called the Workingmenââ¬â¢s Cooperative Association Bain-Alves with the help of Alfred Mends formed the Jamaican federation of Labour (JFL) ââ¬â a group of small unions The JFL petitioned the Governor for legal and official recognition for Trade Unions, which saw the TU Law became law in Oct. 25th 1919 The Trade Union Law ? ? ? Conferred legal status on registered Trade Unions and protected them from prosecution for conspiracy and unlawful combinations It did not confer immunity for Union and workers from liability of tort or breach of Contract It did not legalise peaceful picketing The strikes and organisation of workers in 1917 & 1918 provided the necessary pressure that resulted in the legalisation of TUs Post 1930 ? ? ? ? ?Labour protest took place in 1935 along the North Coast although it was peaceful, armed forces were sent One person died, several people injured and several arrest s were made In 1936 the Jamaica Workers and Tradesmen Union (JWTU) was formed and lead by A. G. S. Coombs and H. C. Buchanan Hunger marches followed in Kingston and Spanish Town led by L. W. Rose, a shoemaker and by UNIA organiser L. E. Barnett In 1937 there was a middle class reform ââ¬â the National Reform Association (NRA) ââ¬â Noel Nethersole (President); Ken Hill (Secretary) and F. A.Glasspole ââ¬â they had formed a radical, socially active network Post 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? Manleyââ¬â¢s Jamaicansââ¬â¢ Labour Party was launched in April 1937 Manley had won the trust of the Colonial Officials He had refused to run for elections as well as to become the president of the NRA saying that the problems in Jamaica were social and economic not political So up to 1938 the two most serious attempts to organize working people were the JWTU and the Poor Manââ¬â¢s Improvement Land Settlement and Labour Association (PMILSLA) William Alexander Bustamante ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Opportunitist or Hero of the Working class?While Coombs and Buchanan were financially pressed in an attempt to organize workers into the JWTU, they accepted assistance from Bustamante, who was a money lender He became the Unionââ¬â¢s Treasurer in 1936 He went to Cuba at the age of 21, then moved to Panama a few years later before moving back to Cuba In 1928 he tried a dairy business in Jamaica but by 1932 he was in New York calling himself Alejandro Bustamanti In 1934 he finally returned to Jamaica He became a prolific writer of letters to the press and in 1936 was speaking at meetings, thus gaining popularity Bustamante challenged Coombs for the leadership of the JWTU but Coombs resigned before it could officially happened Bustamante after facing opposition from Coombs supporters quitted from the Union April ââ¬â June 1938 ? ? ? ? ? According to Bolland ââ¬â first was the riot and strike at Frome Estate in Westmoreland between April 29th ââ¬â May 2nd Protest, S trikes and uprising in Kingston between May 2nd ââ¬â May 28th ââ¬â Mainly Dock workers Many Demonstrations, Riots and ââ¬ËRolling Strikesââ¬â¢ throughout the Island between May 23rd ââ¬â June 11th All of which were confronted by the armed forces Bustamante and Grant were charged with Sedition, inciting people to assemble unlawfully and refusing to move on when ordered to and taken to jail Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? With the incarceration of the two Manley took a more prominent role using the ame strategy as Bustamante as a mediator opposed to trade union leader A state of emergency was declared By this time Bustamante was becoming a martyr and Hart and Buchanan did not want workers to return to work until Bustamante and Grant were released The Dock workers also did not want Manleyââ¬â¢s advice In essence, Manleyââ¬â¢s role as mediator was accepted by the Government and Employers but was rejected by the Waterfront workers This laid the foundation for the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) according to Bolland The Governor appointed a board of conciliation In response Manley announced the creation of a Labour Committee which was the foundation of the Labour Party in Jamaica (political strategy) Hart and Buchanan cooperated with the committee Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ?Manley was instrumental in the release of Bustamante on May 28th 1938 who was greeted by a large crowd but he claimed credit for doing better than Manley in terms of negotiating increases on their behalf Because of this impression created by Bustamante he was able to get workers to return to work Both cousins then worked with the Conciliation Board to settle other claims before it Rebellions after the Release of Bustamante ? ? ? ? ? ? On May 30 Mandeville in Manchester was full of demonstrations Roads were blocked and telephone wires cut in Santa Cruz and Black River in St Elizabeth Banana workers were on strike in St Mary, St Cathrine and Portland The strike at Prospect Estate in Hanover and Islington on June 2nd and 3rd respectively Several people were killed and more injured Both Bustamante and Manley travelled around the country trying to get strikers to accept offers made to them as they saw the bigger problem being unemployment Aftermath ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The state intervened with a land settlement scheme, tools, seeds, etc According to the Commissionerââ¬â¢s report eight people were killed, scores injured both law enforcers and civilians and over four hundred person were convicted and given punishments Rivalry emerged between the two cousins Manley founded the People's National Party (PNP) ââ¬â British Fabian Socialism in September 1938 ââ¬â Nationalistic An autocratic style of leadership was developed by Bustamante Bustamante registered his Union on 23rd January 1939 ââ¬â Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) ââ¬â labouristic The rules constituted him as president for life and gave him power to control its funds and to appoi nt a committee of Management ââ¬â authoritarian style of leadership Disunity ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Within the Trade Union Movement itself there was a rivalry between Bustamante (President of BITU) and Coombs (President of JWTU) The BITU was growing rapidly and leaders from the JWTU were changing alliances But the JWTU remained popular among the banana and dock workers in St James After a worker who was also a member of the JWTU told Grant (BITU) his union is not wanted there an altercation ensued Bustamante then called an Islandwide strike Some workers heeded to the call and as a result a State of Emergency was issued The strike was a major failure and blow to the TU movement Disunity Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? Bustamante broke the truce and broke away from the Trade Union Advisory Council Protection from state for ââ¬Å"strike breakersâ⬠Despite the evidence of need for unity the movements remained divided Analysis of the Rebellion ? Locality ââ¬â ââ¬â Rural ââ¬â interest in land ownership Urban ââ¬â more proletarianised ? ? ? Relations between Capital and Labour Levels of consciousness and organization of workers Known contradictions by the state Impact of the Rebellion in Jamaica ? ? ? ? ? ?It provided an experience in labour politics that irreversibly changed the colonyââ¬â¢s political culture It wrung several concessions from the colonial government Bustamante and Manley were promoted to the status of Leaders of the Labour and Nationalist Movement Appointment of a board of Conciliation ââ¬â to settle labour disputes and make recommendations to relieve unemployment ââ¬â this was also an indication of acceptance for negotiation between employees and employers Changes were made in the Jamaicaââ¬â¢s Constitution in 1944 where the British-style Westminster Model was adopted The achievement of Universal Suffrage in 1944 Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? Bustamante was arrested from September 8th 1940 to 8th February 1942 Manley and the PNPà ¢â¬â¢s left stepped in to revive the BITU There was a call from the PNPââ¬â¢s left wing for unity between the movements based on race and class consciousness which contributed to the growth of the anti-colonial and nationalist movement The PNP headed by Manley advocated for constitutional reform by demanding a Bicameral legislature.Manley was also in favour of a Federation After Bustamanteââ¬â¢s release the coalition was solidified between the BITU and the PNP with the mandate of changing the government but this collaboration was brief and ended in February 1942 Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? ? Despite the truce to keep the peace strikes broke out in St Thomas in 1940 (sugar workers) Leaders started demanding the publication of the Moyne Commission Report All strikes failed In 1942 there was an imposing of several restrictions through legislation again ââ¬â Defence Projects and Essential Services (Trade Disputes) order Mid-1942 Jamaica was in serious crisis ââ¬â incr eased unemployment The Citizens Emergency Council (CEC) was formed in May 1942 and included groups such as JTUC, JUWU, UNIA, FCA, Jamaica Union of Teachers as well as the Capitalist Association Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? ?Henry and several other union activists lost their jobs on the railway and as a result they started to organise government workers Richards moved to have the unions not recognised as he saw potential danger for the transport system The Authorized Associations (Government Departments) (Defence) Regulation was passed to make it impossible for non-government employees to lead unions as it forbid membership of persons who were not government employees The GREU in particular cabled Citrine to intervene and Manley filed for an injunction against the Governor The 4Hs were detained under the same regulation but eventual the British government revoked it and restored the right for government employees to select their own officials These efforts however did not equate in to similar numbers as the BITU base Manley / PNP / NWUââ¬â¢s Operations ? ? ? ? Manleyââ¬â¢s PNP contributed to the constitutional change towards self-government in 1943 Aimed at uniting all the classes in Jamaica The PNPââ¬â¢s policy was formally socialist Manley expelled the ââ¬Å"4 Hsâ⬠in 1952 and formed the National Workers Unions (NWU) which was largely responsible for his victory in the 1955 elections Bustamante / BITU / JLP ? ? ? ? ? ?Bustamante did not really campaign for constitutional reform but was priming himself for the opportunity when it came through the formation of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Instead the JLP advocated a conservative reformist policy which aimed to narrow the socio-economic gap JLP was supported by the old propertied elite In essence there was the formation of an alliance between the leading labour leader and the leading capitalist The BITU won elections in 1946 and as Minister of Communications became a source of additional power and as a promotional opportunity The BITU also expanded its power through closed shop agreements and took a law & order stance in dealing with IA Violent Clashes Between the BITU/JLP & PNP/NWU ? ? On October 20th 1947 ââ¬â at Trench Pen left several BITU/JLP members dead and wounded PNP Supporter ââ¬â J. Nicholas after being threatened by the BITU gang shot and killed Clifford Reid Jamaica Conclusion ? ? The evolution of self-government weakened the ability of organised labour to influence class structure and class relations Political reforms created competitions within the labour movement at the expense of meaningful social change Trinidad and TobagoAn Overview ? ? ? ? ? ? Slavery had lasted a relatively short period of time in T compared to Jamaica and other Islands The Building up of the Mass Movement was much slower because there was no common base upon which that spirit of national consciousness could have been forged Middle class support however, was quicker and forthc oming The earliest and longest lasting organisation of working people in the British Caribbean was the Trinidad Workingmenââ¬â¢s Association (TWA) ââ¬â 1897 ââ¬â it had two divisions TWA was involved in Political reform than it was in Trade Unionism By WWI there was no organisation devoted to the rank-andfile workersââ¬â¢ T Pre 1930 ? ? ?The general social system mirror that of the UK In the 1830s in the UK Trade Unions had not been fully established It was only in the latter half of the 19th Century that the legislative and institutional framework was attaining that stage of development which would enable a free labour movement to emerge T Pre 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? In 1917 workers in oil and asphalt industries were involved in serious disturbances The strikes had all failed Strikers were arrested and some were given prison sentences The TWA by 1919 became the main agency for collective political and industrial action Although still illegal organised Labour was clearly progressing Three Main Sectors ? ? Sugar Cocoa â⬠¢Prices depressed due to drop in world prices in early 1920s (2nd Great Depression) â⬠¢ mechanisation of the production processes ââ¬â increased unemployment ? Oil ââ¬â although substantial profits ââ¬â workers earned little T Post 1930 ? ? ? ?New radical leadership started to develop Politically motivated militant groups began to agitate and organise workers including the unemployed TWA had become less effective and united as an organisation A rival organisation called the Trinidad and Tobago Trade Union centre was formed and gained popularity in the 1930s T Post 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? The Trade Union Ordinance came into being in 1932 It made Trade Unions legal However it did not legalise peaceful picketing and provided immunity for them from legal actions for damages arising out of strike actions In 1934 however, Butler did not register a Trade Union instead it was a political party named Trinidad L abour Party (TLP) There was increasing dissatisfaction within the TWA/TLP over Ciprianiââ¬â¢s authoritarian leadership T Post 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ?A series of hunger marches and demonstrations were taking place between 1933-1935 Several new organisations were formed and they attacked Ciprianiââ¬â¢s leadership of the Labour movement, mobilised workers and initiated new, radical labour politics In fact there was a hunger march to the Governor in the Red House in June 1933 T Post 1930 Contââ¬â¢d ? ? In 1934 the National Unemployment Movement formed by Elma Francois, Jim Barrette and Jim Headley who organised demonstrations that spread like wildfire through the country By 1935 the NUM had transformed itself into an organisation with more broadly defined goals but narrower social base, the Negro Welfare Cultural and Social Association (NWCSA) T 1935 ââ¬â Activities that paved the way for the Labour Riots of 1937 ? ? ? ? ? ? Apex Oilfields went on strike During a hungry ma rch to POS organised byButler and Rojas they were stopped by police and Cipriani This event marked the start of Butlerââ¬â¢s rise as a labour leader in the oilfields of southern Trinidad Links were also made between Butler and NWCSA The Trinidad Citizensââ¬â¢ League (TCL) founded by Adrian Cola Rienzi who was crazed about Indian nationalism and world socialism Butler and Rojas were a part of the TCL as well 1936 ? ? ? Butler started his party called the British Empire Workers and Citizens Home Rule Party (BEWCHRP) He declared himself ââ¬Å"Chief Servantâ⬠He was not a revolutionary but a traditional leader according to Bollandâ⬠¦. he had socialist and anti-imperialist ideas like Rienzi and NWCSA who really provided leadership direction and organisation for the emergence of Trade UnionsWhere there Employers Organisations all the while? ? Yes T 1937 ? ? ? Poor working conditions fuelled labour riots and strikes from June 1937 Tubal Uriah Butler had become the catalyst that was needed for industrial action in the oil districts Butler and his organisers planned peaceful (sit-down) strikes restricted to the Oil Industry June 1937 ? ? ? The strikes were carded for June 22nd but due to information from the armed forces it was brought forward to June 18th It was an island-wide labour Crisis that involved all industries including Tobago Few people died including a police officer and several were injured This will take us to Charlie King Junction State Intervention ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The Governor came up with a double policy of ââ¬Ëconciliationââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ërepressionââ¬â¢ He announced that he would seek a settlement ââ¬Ëwhich will be fair to employers and employees alikeââ¬â¢ A State of Emergency was declared on June 26th A committee of the Executive Council was appointed to hear the workersââ¬â¢ grievances and seek reconciliation The Governor proposed new rates (minimum wages) for Government Workers Oil companies agreed to raise the mini mum wage and shorten working hours A commission of inquiry was also launched into the disturbances Collective Bargaining ? On July 25th 1937 a committee of oil workers publicly announce their intention for a union to conduct negotiations via the process of Collective Bargaining The fact that Trinidad had become the British empireââ¬â¢s largest producer of oil ââ¬Ëwas an important determinant of imperial policy towards the labour disturbancesââ¬â¢ By the end of 1937â⬠¦.. ? Six Unions had gained official recognition from the colonial government, they were: ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬âAmalgamated Building & Wood Workers Trade Union ââ¬â 1st to register Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) All Trinidad Sugar Estates and Factory Workers Trade Union Federated Workers Trade Union Seamen & Waterfront Workers Trade Union Public Works Workers Trade Union The Colonial Government in T ? ? ? ? Governor Fletcher admittedly expressed concern over the extrem ely low wages paid to workers especially in the sugar and oil industries Nankivell, the colonial secretary was even more outspoken, he pointed out that the cost of living was increasing and the Governmentââ¬â¢s revenue increased as industries prospered while workers situation had continued to get worse They displayed a more humane view of workers than Employers But it was short lived as pressure from the capital class amounted and Fletcher opted to strengthens laws at the detriment of Trade UnionsImpact of the Rebellion in T ? ? ? The commission recommended ââ¬â the creation of a labour department ââ¬â the appointment of a labour officer to act as mediator and arbitrator between employer and employees ââ¬â The establishment of an Industrial Court ââ¬â An amendment to the workersââ¬â¢ compensation law to include agricultural labourers On the other hand however laws were passed to strengthen sedition, restrain public meeting and public speakers and they also made illegal for more than ten persons to gather in public These represented Labour, legislative and Political reforms and employee rights such as the right to negotiate and air grievances Impact Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? Development of an organised advanced labour movement between 1937 and 1939 Universal suffrage Uniting of races to put forward a class struggle Rienzi established the Committee of Industrial Organisation (CIO) which was a precursor to the TTTUC which formed in 1939 Proliferation of labour rights as human Rights issues But these civil/human rights did not address the discrimination of women in Labour According to Bolland ? ââ¬Å"The salience of race and class, and their relationship to the structure and fluctuating fortunes of the economy, were central to the emergence of the Labour movement in Trinidadâ⬠Industrial Action at its Best ? ? ? ? ? ?Clement Payne referred to a strike put on by women working in a garment factory who were demanding increased wages and bett er living conditions when negotiations broke down in 1939 After a week of strike other workers from other factories joined in, in sympathy Conciliation had failed Other Unions pledged assistance and supported a boycott of all the stores displaying the clothing Although the employers tried to break the strike by using strike breakers, it did not work They gained 12% wage increase, an eight hour day, 2 weeks annual vacation, protective clothing & a system of shop-floor representation Further Organization ? ? ? The OWTU was represented by Rienzi and Mentor at the 2nd Guianese and West Indian Labour Conference in British Guiana The Trinidad and Tobago Trades Union Council was formed in March 1939 and was modelled after the British TUC Scholarships were made available from the British TUC for Trade Unionists to study abroad Moyne Commission (1938 ââ¬â 1939) Recommendations ? ? ? ? ? ?The enactment of laws to protect trade unions from actions for damages consequent on strikes; legalis ation of peaceful picketing; compulsory registration of Trade Unions; and audit of their funds Interim Labour departments /officers to cover the period until Trade Unions can play a decisive role in the regulation of wages and conditions of employment The appointment of a Labour Advisor at the Comptroller of the West Indian Welfare Fund who would maintain close liaison with Labour Officers/Departments The establishment of a Labour Department in the Colonial Office and the appointment of a Labour advisory Committee whose members are experts in Labour and colonial questions The creation of wages boards as a means of fixing wages preferable t legislation The establishment of an Industrial Court for the West Indies Moyne Commission (1938 ââ¬â 1939) Recommendations ? ? ? ? ? The establishment of unemployment insurance Adequate factory inspection and factory legislation The adoption of a Workmenââ¬â¢s Compensation Scheme based on Canadian practice In the sugar industry ââ¬â the imposition of welfare levies to finance welfare schemes They also recommended the following : ââ¬â The appointment of women on all Boards and Local authorities which includes government office, judicial office and public office Butler ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Butler was working class and displayed an authoritarian leadership style OnMay 6th 1939 Butler was released from Prison He was incorporated into the OWTU Despite a clear procedure to deal with grievances and lack of the Unionââ¬â¢s support, Butler urged workers to strike As a result he was expelled from the OWTU in August 1939 Butler continued to stir up unrest in the oil belt and was imprisoned until 1945 and continued to lead his BEWCHRP Butler major supporters were in the southern oil belts and they remained faithful to him so much so that the strike called by him in December 1946 was successful Butler was the only Labour leader that made a genuine attempt to unify the masses and was unwilling to compromise with employers and colonial administrators Disunities in the 1940s ? Divisions in the economy ââ¬â ââ¬â Imperial Capitalist (sugar and oil industries) Local Capitalist (cocoa, coconut and food crop sector) Indian Indentured labours African Trinidadians Middle Class leaders (Rienzi) Working class leaders (Butler) ? Divisions in the working class ââ¬â ââ¬â ? Divisions in the labour ââ¬â ââ¬â Sectoral Divisions that hampered an Unified Political Movement Divisions by Race African descent Indian Chinese European There were further divisions in terms of class, place of residence and religion.Political Activities in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? Rienzi and the OWTU launched the Socialist Party of T (SPTT) in March 1941 There were some minor constitutional changes where the number of electives on the legislative council was increased from seven to nine and the number of electives on the executive council was increased to two Chief officers of the OWTU were also members of the TTTUC and in 1943 they advocated for Rienziââ¬â¢s elevation to the EC This caused Gomes, Pitt and Joseph of the San Fernando Borough to turn against him In November of 1943 Rienziââ¬â¢s SPTT nominees were defeated in the San Fernando Borough elections Political Activities in the 1940s Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? ?Soon after Pitt and Joseph formed the rival WINP (early 1942) The franchise committee put forward a report but Rienzi had a minority position which was supported by the Governor In February 1944 Rienzi was offered the position of acting Second Crown Council in the Colonial Service, a position he accepted and Rojas succeeded him at the OWTU In 1944 the EC increased to four but the Governor still was not obligated to go on the advise of this council In 1944 there was also the adoption of universal suffrage for all adults over 21 but candidates for election had to be literate in English, with an income not less than $960/yr or property valued at least $5,000. 00 Cipriani died in 1945 Politic al Activities in the 1940s Contââ¬â¢d ? ? ? ? ? ?Elections were held on July 1st 1946 by this time Rienzi also exited the political arena In light of these two major losses to the political world new ambitions blossomed, the WINP although formed in 1942 became more active in 1944 and gained the support of the FWTU. In WINP was later converted into the United Front (UF) Some of the TLP leader left the organization and formed the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) both of which had no success in this election Three seats were won each to the UF and BEWCHRP, the SPTT won two and one to an independent candidate The major leaders failed to secure a win There was no self-government at this time Unrest in 1947-1949 ? ? ? ? ? ?The Public Works Union (PWU) called a strike in Port of Spain on January 8th 1947 App. 1200 of Butlerââ¬â¢s supporters staged a protest march in through the capital Sugar Workers led by Ranjit Kumar who opposed the Sugar Workers Union went on strike on May 5th 1 947 OWTU admitted that the influx of Butlerites strengthened the Union in terms of militancy and size On April 28th 1949 Butler petitioned the Colonial Secretary in the UK and several of his supported protested against the new constitution which allowed for 8 of the 26 seated not to be elected On May Day the TTTUC held a demonstration in San Fernando and Butlers Party held one in Port of Spain Elections 1950 and beyond ? ? ? ? ? ?Elections 18th September 1950 Out of the 18 seats contested Butlerââ¬â¢s Party ââ¬â BEWCHRP won six seats The Trinidad Labour Party (TLP) and Political Progress Group (PPG) won two each, the Caribbean Socialist Party (CSP) won one and the other seven were won by independents, Gomes was the only other leader to be elected Two of the independents joined with the BEWCHRP and thus formed the largest group in the legislature (8 seats) Butler and his members were bypassed for a position of the Executive Council although he deserved it Butler attempted elec tions again in 1956 but was defeated by Eric Williams and the Peopleââ¬â¢s National Movement (PNM) Industrial Stabilization Act 1965 ? During the early 1960s the industrial relations climate in Trinidad and Tobago was tense. There was an increasing number of strikes and labour disputes which threatened the economic growth and productivity of the country ? ? As a result the Industrial Stabilisation Act, 1965, was enacted Later repealed and replaced by the Industrial Relations Act , 1972, Chapter 88:01 Industrial Relations Act 1972 ? ? An Act to make better provision for the stabilization, improvement and promotion of industrial relations.The IRA provides for the following: ââ¬â Free collective bargaining between employer and workers through their representative associations, ââ¬â The development of a peaceful and expeditious procedure for the settlement of disputes, ââ¬â The establishment of the Industrial Court, ââ¬â The recognition and registration of trade union s, ââ¬â The freedom to be represented by a trade union and the right not to associate, and ââ¬â Industrial action which may be taken by both employer and employee In Short Trade Union Movement Decolonisation (the establishment of democratic Westminster-style) Independence (the middle classes controlled political parties) Regional and International Alliances ? ? ? ?The TTTUC progressed into other alliances such as: The Caribbean Labour Congress (CLC) began in 1945 World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) 1st conference was held in 1945 CODORIT and its parent ORIT who were financially dependent on the AFL External Factors that also affected the Trade Movement Post 1930 ? ? ? ? The second World War (WW2) ââ¬â 1939-1945 The decline of the British Empire The rise of the United Sates of America The Cold War ââ¬â 1947-1991 Globalisation ? Is one of the reasons why a regional body was not formed. Issues of foreign investments, potential for wealth accumulation which depended largely on competition. Facts of Both Countries Jamaica Trinidad & TobagoTripartite Labour Relation & Industrial disputes Act 1975 (A1978 & 1986) Ministry of Labour ââ¬â advise, direction, conciliation, Pay & conditions of employment, monitors Tripartite Industrial Stabilization Act 1965 Industrial Relations Act 1972 Ministry of Labour ââ¬â conciliation Trade Union Act 1919 Majority Trade Union ââ¬â representational ballot Joint Industrial Councils Industrial Disputes Tribunal (decision not final) Trade Union Ordinance 1933 Trade Union Act 1950 Majority Trade Union according to Law No industry wide negotiations Industrial Court Fact of both Countries Contââ¬â¢d Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Collective Agreements not legally binding Collective Agreements legally bindingIndustrial Action permissible only for Industrial Action permissible for interest disputes interest disputes No legal right to strike 20% Union Density as at 1988 Legal right to strike 25% Union Density as a t 1988 Sequence of Institutional Building ? ? ? Jamaica ââ¬â the trade union movement provided the base for political party growth (struggles there gave raise to constitutional reform) T ââ¬â similar to that of Jamaica (constitutional changes towards universal suffrage and self government gave rise to political parties) Therefore literature refers to it as the politics of labour which impacted the culture of politics throughout the Caribbean Conclusion ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Similar conditions exist today Similar conclusions/recommendations in all the inquiries Use the Police and the Police involvement in riots Treatment of leaders/organizers according to Elma Francois cited in Bolland ââ¬Å"In Trinidad when the workers ask for bread they get bullets and jail sentencesâ⬠There were two (2) sectors in upper classes (i) the colonial Power/officials and (ii) the capitalist, where the capitalist was backed by the colonial state Socio-Economic situation remained intact despite co nstitutional reform Rulers became authoritarian The weakness of the Labour and Nationalist Movement was the fact individuals wanted to pursue there selfish ambitions Labour colleges were formed in both countries References ? ? ? ? ? ? On the March: Labour rebellion in the British Caribbean, 1934-1939 ââ¬â O. Nigel Bolland The Politics of Labour in the British Caribbean: The Social Origins of Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Labour Movement ââ¬â O. Nigel Bolland Rise and Organise: The Birth of the Workers and National Movement in Jamaica ââ¬â Richard Hart Report of the West India Commission ââ¬â The Moyne Commission Labour Education in the British Caribbean ed. Rawle Farley ââ¬â education for Trade Unionist Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations in the Commonwealth Caribbean: History, Contemporary Practice and Prospect ââ¬â Lawrence Nurse
Swot Analysis of Hdfc Bank
HDFC Bank Limited ââ¬â SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. HDFC Bank Limited ââ¬â SWOT Analysis examines the companyââ¬â¢s key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy. HDFC Bank is a new generation private sector bank in India which specializes in the provision of banking and other financial services to upper and middle income individuals and corporations. The company's services include retail, commercial and electronic banking products. It also provides treasury services and capital markets infrastructure. The company primarily operates in India. HDFC Bank is headquartered in Mumbai, India and employs about 51,888 people. The company recorded revenues of INR124,693. 9 million (approximately $2,632. 3 million) during the financial year (FY) ended March 2010, an increase of 15% over FY2009. The operating profit of the company was INR65,638. 8 million (approximately $1,385. 6 million) during FY2010, an increase of 26. 3% over FY2009. The net profit was INR30,036. 5 million (approximately $634. 1 million) in FY2010, an increase of 33. % over FY2009. Scope of the Report ââ¬â Provides all the crucial information on HDFC Bank Limited required for business and competitor intelligence needs ââ¬â Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting HDFC Bank Limited in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams of HDFC Bank Limited -Data is su pplemented with details on HDFC Bank Limited history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services and the latest available statement from HDFC Bank Limited Reasons to Purchase ââ¬â Support sales activities by understanding your customersââ¬â¢ businesses better ââ¬â Qualify prospective partners and suppliers ââ¬â Keep fully up to date on your competitorsââ¬â¢ business structure, strategy and prospects ââ¬â Obtain the most up to date company information available
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Confirmation: Early Christian Community Essay
For people in the Early Christian Community who wanted to commit themselves as followers of Christ they first needed to receive the sacraments of initiation. Initiation into the Church took place in a single ceremony, which normally unfolded during the Easter Vigil service. In the early church, the three Sacraments of initiationââ¬âBaptism, Confirmation, and Eucharistââ¬âwere celebrated in the same ceremony by adult converts. Although there was no clear emergence of Confirmation as a separate sacrament until after the third century, the elements of the Sacrament of Confirmation can be recognized in the Sacrament of Baptism in the early writing of the bible. After a long period of instruction that sometimes lasted as long as three years, each person was baptized, confirmed and also received the Eucharist. They were then brought before the Bishop where he laid his hands on each of their heads and prayed that they might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and become responsible Christians living through Christ to fulfill his life long mission. At some point in the early Christian Community, the sacraments of initiation, baptism and confirmation, became primarily a sacrament for infants. Their baptism would allow them to become a member of the church and then confirmation would happen right after this, which was when the bishop would confirm or acknowledge this commitment. Eventually, however in the early 1900ââ¬â¢s confirmation became a sacrament associated not with infants but with older youths. Where each child can consciously make the decision to strengthen the bond with god and accept the reasonability to the church and to others as well.
Pollution is our enemy Essay Essay
Pollution is when something is added to the environment that is harmful or poisonous to living things. Smoke in the air from factories is a type of pollution as it is bad for the lungs when breathed in. Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution, as it can make people ill because it contains germs andviruses. People living next to a building site where there is too much noise can become sick as they cannot sleep orrelax. This is called noise pollution.Air pollution is caused by harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide,nitrogen dioxide carbon monoxide and very small particles of carbon. Most of the pollution is caused by factories, vehicles and livestock. Today air pollution has become dangerous to humans. Heavy air pollution may causebreathing problems such as asthma or other health problems.Increase in human activities has also polluted air. Water pollution is the presence of harmful materials in water, such assewage, dissolved metals, waste fromfarms and fac tories and crude oil spilled from shipwrecked tankers. The three main substances that pollute water arenitrates from fertilisers, sewage anddetergents.[1] Pollution hey causes harm to organisms living in water and can also harm peopleââ¬â¢s health, and can cause problems such as cancer.[2] Noise pollution The harmful noises in the environment, such as the sound of vehicles, loud speakers, etc. in a city is called noise pollution. Noise pollution can cause ear problems or even permanent deafness, especially to older people. Noise pollution can be defined as the unwanted sound present in the atmosphere. Soil pollution Soil pollution pertains to the contamination of the soil due to man-made chemicals such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, solvents, and the like. These chemicals come mainly from industrial activities, and also from improper waste disposal. Soil pollution poses various health risks, as the chemicals can produce harmful vapors, or they can contaminate the water supplies located directly under the polluted soil.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Astronomy_xtra2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Astronomy_xtra2 - Essay Example ââ¬Å"Beyond the Big Bangâ⬠is a must see video for beginning or advanced students. The concepts taken for granted today, like the planets revolving around the sun, gravity, and star compositions were unknown thousands of years ago. This led to the Greeks and Romans to create Gods out of the stars. Astrology was born out of the superstitious thoughts of events happening due to star and planet position. The Greeks and Romans could only view the sky with the naked eye. Without modern technologies or telescopes, the ancient world believed the Earth was the center of the universe. Copernicus, Keppler, and Galileo built upon each otherââ¬â¢s work. Despite religious interference, the sun was proven to be the center of the universe. However, Galileoââ¬â¢s attempt to interpret the Biblical passage to fit his theories caused his downfall. From the beginning religious dogma interfered with astronomy and science. Although the telescope was proving Church doctrine wrong, Galileo was silenced due to Church belief. It is amazing how humans wanted to stay ignorant in the name of faith. Gravity was proven by Newton. This helped prove how planets revolve around the Earth. Gravity holds our universe together. Newtonââ¬â¢s formula for gravity and mathematics has built the study of physics. The science and mathematical merger of physics helped future scientists create new theories. Einstein built upon Newtonââ¬â¢s theories. The idea of a finite universe scared Einstein, who wanted an infinite universe. After studying gravity, Einstein came to the conclusion the universe did have a beginning. Einsteinââ¬â¢s Theory of Relativity was arrived by shear thought. He was an intelligent man that could think out experiments in his head. Einstein figured out that the universe was expanding or contracting. Despite his reservations, Einstein proved that the universe was moving away. Einstein could not have imagined that his research would prove the
Destination Recent Development for Study Trip Essay
Destination Recent Development for Study Trip - Essay Example spite various advantages that the economy is facing at the recent time, still a careful evaluation is required in order to enhance its growth potentials in the future. International business in Brazil International business describes the overall business transaction occurring between two nations. The objective of every international business transaction is to increase the sales and reduce the amount of risk. BP is reported to increase its business with Brazil in order to produce ethanol from sugarcanes. The company also wants to increase itââ¬â¢s the share in the Bio fuel company in Brazil which is named as Tropical BIO Energia (BP global, 2011). In order to strengthen the countries business relation with the immigrants, the ââ¬Å"Chattanooga area chamber of commerce international business councilâ⬠is supposed to plan a meeting on 22nd of September (The, 2011). Following the regime of globalisation and privatisation, Brazil has been successful in encouraging inflows of private investment in many sectors. In terms of internet development, Brazil is among the most promising nations. Sale of E commerce has doubled over the years. The electronic business sales have also increased in recent times. The mobile phone company in Brazil has expanded too over several years. As per the reports of National telecommunication Agency, a tremendous growth in the data market had taken place. The Anatel statistics reveals that the telecom market plays an important role in increasing the revenue of the nation (The economist, 2011). Recently there has been an agreement between Brazil and America to expand the mainstream business in telecommunications such as the mobile and online business. Previously the combined ventures between the nations have helped in expanding business... Brazil is among the fastest growing economies of the world. The Brazilian economy together with China, India and Russia forms the BRIC nations, which is predicted by the Goldman Sachs to the global powers by 2050. Brazil encourages various foreign investments and is also the major recipient of foreign direct investment. Brazilââ¬â¢s growth potential and high rate of interest makes it an attractive destination for the investors. It is however believed that despite various advantages that the economy is facing at the recent time, still a careful evaluation is required in order to enhance its growth potentials in the future. BP is reported to increase its business with Brazil in order to produce ethanol from sugarcanes. At present Brazil comprises of 37% of the pharmaceutical company of Latin America. Following the regime of globalisation and privatisation, Brazil has been successful in encouraging inflows of private investment in many sectors. Companies all over the world are willin g to expand their business in Brazil due to its excellent market opportunities as well as fine climatic conditions Most of the international services, fraternal and social organisations are present in Brazil.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Human rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human rights - Essay Example The law of protest in the UK is inherently complex, with both the common law and constitutional provisions playing significant roles. Theà Public Order Act 1986à is one of the major legislations that frame conditions to which protest demonstrations and marches are subject.2 This act allows the UK police to levy conditions that are deemed necessary for preventing property damage, public disorder, or stop protestors from intimidating others, while making it compulsory for the protestors to present a prior notification to the police. Failing to adhere to the stated conditions is an offence entailing arrest under the common law. Besides theà Public Order Act 1986,à there are various other provisions such as the stop and search provisions created under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 19843 and the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA)4 that prohibit protests and demonstrations in specific areas without prior notification and permission. For example, areas surrou nding the Parliament Square and Trafalgar Square come underà the SOCPA designated areas. ... This essay critically analyses the aforementioned statement suggesting that the policing of protests as provided by the Public Order Act 1986 favours the interests of the state over the democratic rights of an individual as provided by the ECHR. Discussion Under provisions made by the ECHR, the Home Office and the police are under obligations to comply with the rights set out in the treaty; however, at the same time the provisions under the UK common law are also taken into consideration. The UK Government is required to protect all that come under its jurisdiction, which includes demonstrators, protestors, those targeted by the protestors, the public and the police.5 There are two obligation types owed by the UK under the ECHR: positive and negative. A positive obligation makes it necessary for the government to frame protective or preventive measures to secure rights listed in article 11 of the ECHR, whereas under the negative obligation they must stop from taking certain protectiv e or preventive measures. For example, under a negative obligation the UK Government cannot place hurdles in front of those wanting to protest.6 A positive obligation, on the other hand, helps counter protests and makes it compulsory for the government to frame measures that safeguard individuals from the actions of others (such as those targeted by the protestors or business firms against whom individuals may want to protest). Article 11 of the ECHR makes provisions that safeguard the rights of protestors and demonstrators taking part in peaceful assemblies from state interference. Article 11 comprises two interlinked rights: the right not to be stopped from associating and meeting (except
Qualitative Comparison Comparing the Political Systems of China and Research Paper
Qualitative Comparison Comparing the Political Systems of China and Russia - Research Paper Example The trends that have made China to overcome Russia, but are debatable. Political Factors China has systematically emerged as a world power majorly due to the political organization of Chinaââ¬â¢s communist Partyââ¬â¢s, whose policies have brought economic and social change with tremendous growth. Consequently, the private sector has expanded due to political and legal protection of the political class. The party has integrated itself with the private sector, with a good section of the entrepreneurs being members of the China Communist Party. Most of them were members of the party before going into business and some were allowed to join the party because of their business success. The Chinese capitalists have remained loyal to the Chinaââ¬â¢s Communist Party and have not agitated for any change. Many businesses attribute their success to the policies of the party and its support. The party has promoted their business interests, leading to economic power and the economic wealt h being harmonized. The party has therefore survived and inspired national pride and increased its influence around the world (Naugton). The party has tried to balance economic growth and social economy. This has led to raised rural living standards. The state has provided income subsidies and eliminated tax on gain. The party has also tried to deal with poverty as a way of creating a harmonious society. The party has continued to reinvent itself over time beginning by being a social progressive party, to totalitarian tyranny, to developmental dictatorship. Today it protects private property and showing interest in representing the entire population. The party still has some weaknesses by choosing elites leaders and being harsh protestors. It has continued to enjoy the support of the majority in society due the perception that it promotes industrialization, economic growth political stability and social mobility (Dicks) Russia is on the other hand having moved from communism to demo cracy has faced many challenges leaving it unconsolidated democracy and almost becoming autocratic. The systems within the party are dominated by executives and the legislature. It has been a democracy in which the state control the media heavily and with civil society and non-governmental organization heavily muzzled. However, Russia is still considered freer that during the Soviet Union, despite people not being free to express themselves or to read what they would wish in the press. The security instruments were used to punish all the perceived threats and to restrict their freedom. The murder of journalists who covered the conflict between the state and the society brought to the fore the level of human rights abuse (Ghania). The quality of democracy in Russia has been low economy growth has been impeded by corruption, crime rates, diseases poor healthcare. Russia is generally lacking modern infrastructure and rule of Law. It has widespread corruption and poverty. All these got worse under Putinââ¬â¢s rule. These rivalry between government and business as government tried to take over valuable companies and accuses business leaders of tax evasion. This trend led to falling of stock prices. This perceived government intimidation and rough treatment leading to many businesspersons being scared, resulting in stagnation (Dicks). Economic factors The economic trends that may
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Digital culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Digital culture - Essay Example On the other hand, the presentations illustrated unbundling and dynamic of self organization. We are able to build upon our pre existing knowledge by interacting with the tools created by the digital culture. For example, using the Google such as Google drive or Samsung digitized products can help an individual learn many things that they previously never knew about. By this we can say that the presentations illustrated beyond doubt how technogenesis, unbundling and self organization is brought about in the process. Question B Several additional factors would have supported my learning. Direct interaction with the outside world that is out of classroom environment would have been great so that to bring the learning more into a reality. The idea of automated and consistent assessment would have helped me to have a more concrete understanding of this course. Moreover, convenience and flexibility would have supported my learning and even make it better. The course ought to have considered the student interests and make it more learner centered, if it were to support the student fully to improve their learning. Lastly, motivation by the instructors, a more direct questioning approach and additional time would have been perfect in making my learning more favorable. The conception of the internet as our most interactive medium today, would have guided us to interact more thus learn more. Instructional designers need to extend and expand the various aspects in order for this course to be more tool complete, and stand alone online expert system. These include developing a broader array of tools for proper communication. They need to understand which communication mediums are best suited for learners of our kind. This will give the course an upper hand over other online expert systems. For this course to be the most outstanding in the whole world, it needs a proper implementation which will guide it throughout. It should also embrace a faster learning experience which will help it to be more competitive when compared with other online expert systems. Furthermore it should be more interactive and student oriented so that to benefit the students and their productivity as well. All these will help the course to be a more complete system. Cheat sheet This course is very important in that we live in the digital age and much has changed. Issues regarding unbundling and its t heme become a major area of interest in this course most probably because of its significance. Another important aspect is technogenesis technology which carryââ¬â¢s the weight of digital culture. The relevant ideas I stipulated in tackling this task is acknowledging the importance of this course and its application in the modern world. List of important areas Disembodiement Technogenesis Digital graphics and interphase Online scholarships through
The Handmaid's tale is a story about power structures existing in life Essay
The Handmaid's tale is a story about power structures existing in life and relationships. Discuss - Essay Example The story was written in the 1980s in the wake of revived conservatism and religious awakening that superseded the turbulent 60s and 70s when the battle of the sexes was at its peak. The feminist movement had enabled women to take control of their lives and there was a shift in the balance of power between the sexes. Consequently there was concern about declining morality, sexual freedom and its implications and the plummeting birth-rate due to increased birth control, infertility due to pollution and other factors and the legalization of abortion. Religious conservatives raised their voices in protest and lots of people where brought under their sway. The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale was written by Atwood in order to explore the consequences of fanatical commitment to the intolerant principles espoused by religious extremists. The story is set in the future, where the United States is overrun by extremist Christian revolutionaries. What follows is a reign of terror, narrated by Offred, a lowly handmaid in the newly developed power structure. Handmaids exist for breeding purposes and their worth is measured by the viability of their ovaries. They are assigned to elite couples, in the upper echelons of power, who have been unable to conceive. Their menstrual cycles are closely monitored and at the right time, the handmaids must have sex, in a bizarre ritual where they lie between the legs of the wivesââ¬â¢ who clasp their hands, while their husbands do what is necessary in order to procreate, in keeping with biblical precedent. Women have absolutely no freedom in the Republic of Gilead and lead severely restricted lives. In the course of her chilling narrative, Offred deviates from the present in order to talk about the past and in doing so helps the reader reconstruct the events that led up to the present state of affairs. She talks about her love affair with Luke and their marriage which was nullified by the new regime as it does not condone
Friday, July 26, 2019
Phosphoaspirin (MDC-43) a novel benzyl ester of aspirin, inhibits the Essay
Phosphoaspirin (MDC-43) a novel benzyl ester of aspirin, inhibits the growth of human cancer cells - Essay Example This study by Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas (2009) aims to observe the anticancer activity and mechanism of the new phosphoaspirin (MDC-43). For the purpose of this study, several reagents were purchased, or gifted, from different pharmacological companies. Cell cultures were grown in the laboratory in line with the American Type Culture Collection instructions. The trypan blue exclusion method was used to measure the cell viability and growth. Moreover, the cell cycles were analyzed following standard PI protocols (Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 512). Human cancer cells derived from colon, pancreas, breast, liver and lung were used in this study; these are some of the major and most common forms of cancer and account for around ââ¬Å"54% of all new cases of cancer in the USAâ⬠(Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 517). All cell lines that were studied showed that Phosphoaspirin was more powerful than aspirin in preventing cancer cell growth (Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 513). Moreover, phosphoaspirin was also shown to stimulate the creation of reactive oxygen species (Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 514). The study also observed that phosphoaspirin had an inverse effect on thiol levels in the cells, and produced intrinsic apoptosis (Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 514-516). Furthermore, the phosphoaspirin also increased cell signaling in some cells, however, the effect was limited to protein activation alone (Zhao, Mackenzie, Murray, Zhang, and Rigas 2009, p. 516). The data collected by the study clearly demonstrated that phosphoaspirin has a strong reduction effect on human cancer cells. Moreover, the effect is stronger than that of aspirin, as well as being more generalized. The strength of phosphoaspirin was found to be more uniformly superior to ordinary aspirin; however, no reason
Health Care Associated Infections and UK Screening Policy Essay
Health Care Associated Infections and UK Screening Policy - Essay Example Bacteria can survive in people without harming them like they can continue to exist on the skin or in the gut. Some HCAIs are caused by bacteria when they actually enter the body in the course of surgical treatments or wounds. Infections are normally cured by antibiotics. However, in certain circumstances, a number of bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics. This leads to complications in treatment of those infections. Antibiotics have the potential to supplement the natural ability to protect the body against bacterial infections. Antibiotics protect the body from bacterial infections by killing bacteria (bactericidal) or by discontinuing the process of their multiplication (bacteriostatic). Bacteria adjust to antibiotics by attaining resistance genes. Bacteria with resistance genes are not affected by antibiotics and continue to survive and also keep multiplying other bacteria that are without resistance genes. The reasons for which bacteria get resistant to antibiotics are as follows. Excessive use of antibiotics increases the probability of bacteria to get resistant to them. Antibiotics were being used to treat disease and illnesses that are not curable by them like flu and cold. In the recent years the recommendation for antibiotics has shown a declining trend by general physicians. Antibiotics courses are often left incomplete. People often leave the medications considering themselves fit, regardless of the doctorsââ¬â¢ advised time period and dosages of antibiotics. This careless attitude and irresponsible act leaves bacteria alive and they continue to multiply, become resistant and are transmitted to others. Once people stop using the prescribed antibiotics they use the extra amount for some other infection. This further worsens the situation as different antibiotics cure different infections. Self-medication does not benefit the patient of cost cutting but it costs them higher in the future. In addition the use of random antibiotics from the self
Research proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proposal - Research Paper Example Results obtained from this research will help in informing parents of the safety measure they should use to avoid accidents in their homes. This is because some parents overlook the small things around the house, that end up causing accidents with toddlers (Nationwide Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital). Happy and healthy children are the joy of every parent. The presence of a newborn baby in a home gives all the adults the responsibility of ensuring the home is safe for the child. All parts of the house that the baby can access need to be child proofed to ensure the safety of the child. In any typical home, there are various hidden and obvious child safety hazards. Parents must take the necessary steps to ensure that toddlers in the house are safe (Douglas, 2003). During the early stages of development, infants and toddlers are usually very curious and tend to touch, pull, push, and eat everything they come in contact with. Every household is bound to have an encounter with an infant and therefore, childproofing is a common experience. Nevertheless, accidents still occur because of the small things that we ignore because they do not seem to be dangerous. According to Wallin (45), identifying these small things will help in preventing future accidents from occurring thus ensuring a safe and healthy baby. There has been a lot of research done regarding the issue of Infant and Toddler safety at home. Most of the injuries that happen to children under the ages of five years occur in the home environment. Infants and toddlers spend most of their time in the house and their curious nature and lack of fear exposes them to dangerous situation (Ahmann, 105). As a result toddlers are the ones who suffer the most in cases of home related injuries. This calls for action that involves establishing preventive measures and keeping an eye on toddlers as they play to prevent the occurrence
Case study memo on Business Ethics in USA Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Memo on Business Ethics in USA - Case Study Example We have received possible food poisoning reports from two counties in Seattle and south California about our unpasteurized products. Health officials through our company managers reported these cases to us and we dispatched them to these counties to collect batches of our nutritional products. As the most successful nutritional foods suppliers, it is our duty to figure out this problem before any more causalities arise from consumption of our nutritional products. When whether to pull all our products from the market or not. Because of lack of evidence that the products that caused the acute food poisoning are ours or not, we have to determine when to inform the retailers that we are pulling all our products. The ethical dilemma that the company is facing is whether or not to notify the customers about the food poisoning by its nutritional products and should it consider pulling all the products from the market. In this case, I find it difficult to agree with the decision that Fred James made but at the same time, I do not have a better solution. James and Healy acted after hearing of seven cases of nutritional food poisoning and after the newspapers had already informed the public. They should have recalled all the products from the market as soon as they learnt about the third or the fourth case of poisoning. Trying to minimize or cover up the damages would only cause more harm than good (Allott, 2001). To analyze the ethical issues in this case using the utilitarian approach, we should first identify the available courses of action. Then we should look at the stakeholders that shall be affected, the benefits and harms that shall be derived from these actions. Lastly, we should choose the action that will yield the least harm while producing the greatest benefits (Allott, 2001). Using the utilitarian approach, James and Healy should have apologized publically about the food poisoning and probably declared a deduction in the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Globalization and its effects on world business Essay
Globalization and its effects on world business - Essay Example Globalization is the world-wide interconnectedness between nations induced by a process where basic socioeconomic arrangements like markets, culture, politics, values and norms become dis-embedded from their spatial context as a result of massification, diffusion and expansion of transnational flows of people, information, products and finances. Globalization poses a problem to American workers as more American firms undertake trading initiatives with low-wage developing countries. Several American firms outsource their production process or lower wages and benefits for their employees. I am in favour of globalization as much of what Americans consume is produced abroad, and an equally large amount of American products are exported. An open integrated world economy provides economies of scale; when different countries specialize in different segments of the production chain, trade enhances the economic output locally and abroad boosting living standards (Parker 346). Competition emanating from economic integration makes the US economy more efficient and productive as global markets give consumers more choices helping to reduce the cost of goods and services. This helps keep inflation in check. According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics, integration of the global economy generates an economic gain of between $500 billion and $1 trillion to the US economy each year (Parker 346). Global economic integration accompanied by rapid technological advancement has had negative effects on some sections of the economy. For some businessmen, these developments have been accompanied by stress and anxiety as new competitors arise and compete for market share.
Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example United States of America, however refused to give in to the widely accepted trend of abolition of capital punishment and still continues to practice the act. According to a text quoted in Michelangelo and Mary E. Days ââ¬ËDeath Penalty USA: 2000-2002ââ¬â¢, capital punishment is said to serve two significant purposes in the USA; retribution and deterrence of capital crimes by prospective offenders ( 1). United States of America now finds itself being pushed into a club made up of members countries that it never even imagined before to be linked to; for example China and Congo (Steiker 1). There are many reasons for capital punishment to be still a viable option in states other than just America. Before we go into a discussion of the reasons that support it, one should know that capital punishment is served for a list of capital offences only. In order to make sure that the law isnââ¬â¢t loosely administered; tough punishments need to exist. Those prospective offenders who hav e not yet committed a crime and posses a balanced psychological health will retract their steps towards the offence by the examples of capital punishment. Countries do realize at a time that capital punishment is necessary for certain special situations and therefore allow it in those special circumstances. President of United States of America, Richard Nixon is known to believe that offenders who involve themselves in crimes such as human/drug trafficking and/or theft are rational human beings who violate the laws intentionally. Thus they should be dealt with an iron hand and stringent policies that have no room for emotions (Tatalovich, Daynes, & Lowi 70). Apart from rational capital offenders, the reason why capital punishment is still an accepted and supported phenomena in United States of America is the countryââ¬â¢s homicide rate which is much higher than the states that have abolished the act. Stated in Carol S. Steikerââ¬â¢s paper on ââ¬ËCapital Punishment and Ameri can Exceptionalismââ¬â¢, it was observed in the 1960ââ¬â¢s and 1970ââ¬â¢s that the homicide rates peaked when Americaââ¬â¢s stance on capital punishment had first began to diverge from its original path (5-8). This proves that in a country like United States of America, death penalty needs to remain as an operative word because it is what keeps the offenders in check and the homicide rate low. One of the most significant reasons stated by the supporters of capital punishment be it a certain percentage of the population, policy makers or the politicians; is that it deters crimes such as murders (Lambert, Clarke & Lambert 6).Murder is a capital crime and a strict action towards the murderer is necessary in order to create an example for potential murderers. Also the fact that it saves state a lot of taxpayerââ¬â¢s money, plays an important role in death penalty still being carried out in USA. Capital punishment is opposed on the basis of human rights as many claim that it violates the basic element of human right that each and every person has over his/her life. Yet they forget to take under consideration the rights violated of the human just murdered by the criminal. Retribution is what capital punishment supports because it is an appropriate reaction to the cruel crimes committed (Lambert, Clarke & Lambert 6). Majority of the population support capital punishme
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Monster Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Monster Case Study - Essay Example The social media and networks deliver job advertisements and connect the job seekers with employers through active sourcing, give relevant job suggestions and provide the employers with employees with the desired qualifications (Jakub, 2013). If I were on the job market right now, I would keep my resume updated and then join the professional social networks where I can connect with employers or access great business opportunities. Social networks are more effective than the traditional job boards since the networks contain the profile of a job seeker. The culture and HR practices adopted by Starbucks during the recession would be fundamental for other companies. Indeed, Starbucks continued providing a great work and conducive environment for the employees and treated each other with utmost respect and dignity (Geereddy, 2013). The company adopted a premium product mix, supreme customer service, and a healthy corporate culture (Geereddy, 2013). Moreover, the company has attractive employee benefits and addresses all employeesââ¬â¢ issues thus offering a dynamic place to work and the ability to cultivate strong and sustainable productivity. These attributes would help the bottom line at companies in other industries. Fertig, A. (2014). 3 Places to Find Job Postings on LinkedIn. U.S. News & World Report LP. Retrieved from
Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements Essay
Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements - Essay Example Relevant Information Information needs to be relevant to the needs of users in order to serve its purpose. However, there are also other fundamental qualities that financial statements need to have. These qualities include comparability, faithful representation, consistency, completeness, understandability, and reliability (BPP 2009a). Information is useless if it is not reliable and in a number of cases, the values described as fair values in the accounts do not provide a reliable estimate of the value of assets and liabilities. According to Bath (n.d.) concerns also focus on this matter. It should also be noted the more reliable the information is the less relevant it will be. Relevant information has predictive value, feedback value, and timeliness. Reliable information is verifiable Comparability of financial statements Financial statements need to be comparable from one year to the next and between one company and another. However, even though fair values may be said to be curre nt and therefore more comparable, the fact that judgment needs to be exercised brings subjectivity into play. In addition to that, those judgments on which investors and other stakeholders depend have their own agenda. In some cases, they may exercise their judgment in such a way as to manipulate the accounts. This, therefore, brings us back to the reliability of the figures in the financial statements. ... à the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires that the classification of financial instruments be recorded at fair value in a hierarchy consisting of three (3) levels. The first level (level 1) relates to quoted prices that have not been adjusted for identical assets and liabilities in active markets. The second level (level 2) relates to input prices but excludes quoted prices which are included in the first level and which can be observed directly for assets and liabilities, in the form of prices or in the form of derived prices indirectly. The third level relates to both assets and liabilities that are not based on market data that can be observed. IASB concluded that this would result in improvement for comparability purposes as well as assist in the convergence process of the IFRSs to the United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The basis that was given for that conclusion relates to the disclosures required by IFRS 7 and ASC having no differences in terms of their application. Khalik (2008) in his paper entitled ââ¬ËThe case against fair value accountingââ¬â¢ indicated that its critics have suggested that in times of poor economic conditions fair value (FV) accounting leads to the generation of pessimistic assumptions that further result in significant reductions in asset values as well as major reductions in earnings because of the fact that unrealised losses are taken into account in the income statement.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
British Airways Logistics and Operations Management Assignment
British Airways Logistics and Operations Management - Assignment Example Some of the respective areas where the organization has ventured include investing in latest modern technology that has since brought considerable improvement in terms of flexibility, dependability, quality and cost (Greasley 2013). Thesis statement: British Airways has implemented innovative approaches in its logistics and operations management. Communication and coordination technology According to Greasley, (2013), for an effective and efficient coordination, an airline company must consider reliable communication systems, which are made available at the control towers or throughout other respective departments. The British airways has invested heavily in technological personnel and the expatriates responsible for the management for the flight operations, dispatch of cargo to and from the airport, ground maintenance staff and members who assist the passengers with the reservation amongst other issues. Firstly, the organization has put in place integrations of information systems t o the center of control that facilitates coordination and effective communication throughout all the branches. For instance, the automation improves dissemination of information relevant both at the internal operations and to external operations. Consider personnel such as air traffic controller, the pilot on board and the rest of the colleagues who are actively involved with maintenance at the hangers. The use of information systems allows them to have faster exchange of data or any other relevant information more rapidly and efficiently. Through the integration of the information systems, British Airways has succeeded in reduction of miscommunication either from the center to the centers of controls or, the employees of the other departments since the information is available in real time to almost all the relevant bodies concerned. Moreover, automation has also led to economical advantages such as conservation of fuel, proper usage of time and appropriate time management through effective planning of cargo handling. This process of operations has successfully led to the total improvement of returns based on reception of new cargo on transit and those under dispatch (Slack et al 2011). Automated flight dispatch British Airways has an automated flying dispatch intercepted through special tracking device systems in almost all its active flights. The flight dispatch systems have enabled efficient conservation of flight fuel through the modern planning mechanisms. The use of this technology helps in the moderation of navigation of planes automatically. Moreover, such systems are interconnected to the flight management system on board a craft and are capable of calculating the flight speed based on the weight of the plane and the current atmospheric pressure thorough cost indexing. In addition, through the vertical integrations of the minima, the system is able to locate fuel-efficient routes of the planes. In this case, the automated flight dispatch help in econ omizing fuels by avoiding extended duration of waiting before a plane is dispatched. The use of global positioning systems has also helped in the control of winds and turbulence associated with international flights (Christopher 2011). Resource management system The British airline has implemented a resource management system that incorporates intelligent technologies to enable all people involved in this organization to access and
Skype Reseach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Skype Reseach - Research Paper Example The business world has also not been left at the rear in the technological advancements and more and more businessmen are willing to venture into the world, in search of potential international markets. No longer is one required to physically attend a conference or a meeting. One can simply log in to their specific business website and chat with those who are online as well, where they can discuss business issues from the comfort of their residences or wherever else they might be (Fulmer & Bleak 2008). The Internet has also made it possible for people to call their loved ones or fellow businessmen in whichever division of the nation they may be, at whatever time of day. Skype is one such company that has embraced technological advancements and enabled people to share, communicate and transact with each other irrespective of where they may be in the world. Skype is a company that was established in the year 2003 by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis (Ferrell & Hartline 2010). These 2 individuals created a little piece of software that eases communication between individuals, making it fun. This particular software also allows people to video-call and make voice calls using the Internet (Fulmer & Bleak 2008). The company generates its revenue via its premium offerings which are offered in making and receiving calls to and from mobile and landline phones, together with call forwarding and voice mail (Ferrell & Hartline 2010).... Skypeââ¬â¢s mission and vision statement is to be the fabric of real-time communication on the web (Ferrell & Hartline 2010). In the world of business, Skype is responsible for enabling employers to bring their entire workforce, partners and customers together to fulfill the companyââ¬â¢s goals and objectives (Fulmer & Bleak 2008). A mission and vision statement tells everyone reading a companyââ¬â¢s business plan or researching it a little bit about the company in summary. That is why it is important for any given company to have a strong and catchy mission and vision statement so as to attract potential clientele. A strong mission and vision provides shareholders, supporters and employees with a clear perspective of the companyââ¬â¢s reason for existing (Ferrell & Hartline 2010). This should also be short enough for people to remember it as well as share it with the rest of the world. Businesses should carry out their transactions with the aim outlined in their vision a nd mission statements. With this in mind, I choose to propose a vision and mission for Skype. The firmââ¬â¢s proposed vision and mission statement is: To bring together cultures and businesses of the world and share the fun! The reason why I have chosen this particular vision and mission statement is because I have considered the fact that, Skype is not only a firm that uses innovative technology but also one that enables other businesses and individuals in general to communicate, transact and catch up. It enables people to learn a language, hold a meeting, celebrate a birthday, all while using text, video and voice, making it simple to share experiences, and ideas with people who matter the most (Fulmer & Bleak 2008). In this day and age where competitive business environment is present, the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Mbuti Culture Essay Example for Free
Mbuti Culture Essay The Mbuti or Bambuti are one of several indigenous pygmy groups in the Congo region of Africa. Their language belongs to the Central Sudanic subgroup of the Nilo-Saharan phylum.1 After researching the Mbuti culture, I think we will see that their government, traditions, and culture is slowly and sadly melting into the surrounding, changing world. Mbutiââ¬â¢s primary mode of subsistence is Foraging. They hunt and gather food from the forest, and they trade as well for survival. The Foragers, or hunter-gatherers, in modern-day Zaire have survived with a subsistence lifestyle in small-scale societies. Political organization-Bambuti societies have no ruling group or lineage, no overlying political organization, and little social structure. The Bambuti are an egalitarian society in which the band is the highest form of social organization. Leadership may be displayed for example on hunting treks. Men and women basically have equal power. Issues are discussed and decisions are made by consensus at fire camps; men and women engage in the conversations equivalently. If there is a disagreement, infraction, or offense, then the offender may be banished, beaten or scorned. No chief or formal council has imposed rules. Kinship of the Bambuti tend to follow a patrilineal descent system, and their residences after marriage are patrilocal. However, the system is rather loose. The only type of group seen amongst the Bambuti is the nuclear family. Kinship also provides allies for each group of people. One of the Mbutiââ¬â¢s social problems is interclan disputes, over children and women. Women migrate to villages, losing close to one out of five of their female population. An uneven number of women lead to the inevitable transfer of women from one family, to another. This leads to great conflict between the men, over the disposition of their female siblings. ââ¬Å"Divorce is common. The women often initiate divorce simply by packing their things (including small children) and moving back to their familys camp. If they have boys, they return to their father when they are old enough to hunt. The typical marriage is monogamous because women are scarce.â⬠Beliefs and Values Prior to independence, tropical forest foragers remained outside the mainstream of society and politics. However, post independence wars and nation-building drives have changed customary ways. Landscapes are eroding due to the cutting of timber, the building of roads and mining. Commerce has also further isolated the Mbuti peoples. They are in a state of social flux affecting their beliefs, values, and traditional culture. Everything in the Bambuti life is centered on the forest. They consider the forest to be their great protector and provider and believe that it is a sacred place. They sometimes call the forest ââ¬Å"motherâ⬠or ââ¬Å"father.â⬠An important ritual that impacts the Bambutis life is referred to as molimo. After events such as death of an important person in the tribe, molimo is noisily celebrated to wake the forest, in the belief that if bad things are happening to its children, it must be asleep. As for many Bambuti rituals, the time it takes to complete a molimo is not rigidly set; instead, it is determined by the mood of the group. Food is collected from each hut to feed the molimo, and in the evening the ritual is accompanied by the men dancing and singing around the fire. Women and children must remain in their huts with the doors closed. These practices were studied thoroughly by British anthropologist Colin Turnbull, known primarily for his work with the tribe. Molimo is also the name of a trumpet the men play during the ritual. Traditionally, it was made of wood or sometimes bamboo, but Turnbull also reported the use of metal drainpipes. The sound produced by a molimo is considered more important than the material it is made out of. When not in use, the trumpet is stored in the trees of the forest. During a celebration, the trumpet is retrieved by the youth of the village and carried back to the fire. The Mbuti people are in great cultural transition, being influenced more and more by the surrounding dominate encroaching culture. As the outside word encroaches on these indigenous people, their beliefs, traditions and practices, they are slowly losing their original uniqueness in an ever shrinking world that seems to be losing boundaries. As of recent, they are even given to the accumulation of outside currencies for use in their day to day lives.
Macroeconomics Assignment Essay Example for Free
Macroeconomics Assignment Essay Current economic conditions in the U. S an all around the world are rising to alarming situations, with the dilemma being common that whether its inflation or recession, which is hampering the economy badly. The liquidity issues are affecting the U. S economy badly, the money supply is shrinking although the Federal Reserve is pursuing an accommodative monetary policy, but due to its lesser control and the dynamism of the U. S economy, this policy seems to have a very low effect on the liquidity situation in the overall economy. After a rise in the money supply for few months the money supply has been contracting since then, the M2 component of the money supply, which consists of cash, consumer deposits and checking has been shrinking. While M3 which consists of the above, plus the large time deposits and other items is also changing its direction towards a lower end. The figure depicts the trends of the money supply and how it has dipped gradually. Figure 1: Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth Source: Shadow Government Statistics, 2009 This condition can result into the weakening of economic activity and pulling out money from stocks. Recently the downfall in the consumer spending and the lowering of the stock prices is the sign of scorched liquidity in the economy (Kellner, 2003). In this current situation of economic dilemma, the current economic conditions demands active measures from the new president and the U. S congress to overcome the hazards created by the weakening economy. Government should try to push more liquidity into the market; the FED should try to increase the money supply through lowering the interest rate, pushing more money into the economy by funding the companies and the corporations that can create more stability in the economy. The government should try to create more jobs into the economy by pushing their spending this will surely create more consumers spending and thus providing a ground to combat recession in the economy. These economic measures are the need of the time and they will certainly have their effects on the economy. Thus, by acting proactively on these strategies the government can easily face all the difficult circumstances. References Kellner, I. (2003, November). Where has all the money gone? Retrieved Feburary 10, 2009, from Market Watch : http://www. marketwatch. com/News/Story/Story. aspx? guid=%7BF1B1B20B-EBDE-435F-8349-A19E26DBB945%7Dsiteid=mktwdist=nwhpm Figures Figure 1: Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth Shadow Government Statistics. (2009). Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth. Retrieved Feburary 10, 2009 from http://www. shadowstats. com/charts_republish#m3
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Main Functions Of The Maternity Nurse Health Essay
The Main Functions Of The Maternity Nurse Health Essay A Maternity Nurse is employed by Families who have new born babies and is qualified or experience to care for babies. They usually work short term contract and usually live in with the family and is generally on duty for 24 hours a day-6 days a week. The main functions of a maternity nurse are: To support parents in all aspects of the babys care, providing constant guidance on all aspects of care. Helping to establish good feeding routines which can be maintained by the parent/s after the maternity nurse leaves the family Show mum correct way to breast feed, show parents correct way to bath and change baby Helping to establish good sleeping routines which can be maintained by the parent/s after the maternity nurse leaves the family Help the parents to integrate a new baby into family life The maternity nurse may get up during the night to feed and change the baby or to get up to support mum or dad whilst they feed or change the baby. Some Maternity nurses are happy to do additional duties such as basic grocery shopping and general errands, to ensure the house hold runs smoothly and to give the parents some time alone with the baby. Explain the importance of maintaining confidentiality in a maternity nurse role, including when and why you can break that confidentiality. It is important for a maternity nurse to maintain confidentiality as either parent may confide in her and if she breaks that confidence she will lose the trust of that parent. Also, by breaking this confidence she may cause a rift between the parents especially if either parent has confided in her about the other. A maternity nurse must know the difference between what she must keep private and what can be discussed openly. This confidentiality can be broken if there is a risk of harm to the baby or if either parent is not coping well for example if a new mum had post natal depression, she may need professional help if the maternity nurse cannot cope with the situation on her own. Explain barriers to effective communication working with parents and how to overcome them. A maternity nurse may face the following barriers when dealing with parents: Language: parents may not speak the same language as the maternity nurse or they may come from a different part of the same country, e.g. a region with a different dialect. Cultural: different cultures communicate in different ways and their interpretation of the same message may often differ. Biases: this is largely due to our experiences and how we think of ourselves and other, for example a younger mum may find it difficult to communicate with an older maternity nurse as she may think she is mothering her or not taking her seriously. Assumption: it is important that a maternity nurse does not make the mistake of assuming that parents understand or agree with everything she tells them. Some of the ways these barriers could be overcome are: Language: speak clearly and slowly using simple and concise language. Cultural: consider where the parents are from and if there are any cultural differences which need to be taken into account when communicating. Biases: it is important to empathise and try to relate to the parents. It is only by overcoming our own biases can we then look to try and understand the bias of a parent. Assumption: for the relationship between maternity nurse and parents to work, no assumptions can be made by the maternity nurse. The maternity nurse needs to be astute and ask questions in a way that does not alienate the parents. 2.1 Explain the recognised causes of sudden infant death syndrome. The exact cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is not known however it is accepted that it may be a combination of a number of factors. Four main causes have been identified: Infant development: may be caused by a delay in nerve cell development in the brain which is essential for normal lung and heart function. Research has shown a delay in development in the function and formation of a number of serotonin binding nerve pathways in the brain. These pathways are vitally important to regulate blood pressure, breathing and heart rate. Rebreathing asphyxia: caused by a baby lying face down, it is difficult for the baby to breathe and can cause the baby to breathe in expelled carbon dioxide. Bedding, blankets, soft mattresses are some types of sleep surfaces that can impair breathing when the baby is face down. Hyperthermia (increased temperature): its not certain if increased air temperature can cause SIDS on its own or does it need to be in conjunction with a baby being unable to breathe. Usually a symptom of overdressing, when the baby has too much clothes on or too many blankets, covers which increase temperature and lead to an increased metabolic rate and eventually a loss of breathing control. Environmental factors: could include people smoking tobacco near your baby, being exposed to wood or coal burning fires, excessive smog. 2.2 Explain the ways in which sudden infant death syndrome can be prevented. Parents, family members or carers can take a number of steps to reduce SIDS: Sleep position: when putting a baby to sleep, place the baby on their back as the risk of SIDS is higher when a baby sleeps on their stomach or side. Sleep surface: it is best if a baby sleeps on a firm surface to prevent suffocation or smothering. Smoke: ensure the baby does not inhale smoke of any kind especially tobacco. Temperature: avoid overdressing the baby or using too many blankets/covers. Regulate room temperature where possible. Let baby sleep in comfortable, light clothing. Sleeping arrangements: dont let the baby sleep in the same bed as parents or another person including a child. 3.1 Explain the recognised causes of post natal depression. Some women experience depression after childbirth this is called postnatal depression, which usually starts in the first four to six weeks after they give birth, although in some cases it developed after several months. Its still not clear what causes post natal depression but some recognised causes may include: the stress of looking after a newborn baby both physically and emotionally shortly after pregnancy hormonal changes occur; some women may be more sensitive to hormones depression during pregnancy a difficult birth relationship worries financial problems lack of support from family or friends after birth there are physical health problems that occur , such as urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control), or persistent pain from an episiotomy scar or a forceps delivery a history of depression or other mood disorders such as bipolar disorder have a previous history of postnatal depression during pregnancy experience anxiety or depression It could take months before people cope with the pressure of being new parents. It is important for the maternity nurse to support the new parents even if the mum shows no signs of post natal depression, simply having a baby can be stressful and life changing and that itself can trigger depression. 3.2 Describe the ways the maternity nurse can support a mother through Post Natal Depression. The Maternity nurse can be very supportive and make the mum feel like she is doing a great job with her baby. She should make sure mum is getting enough sleep and is well rested. The maternity nurse should help as much around the house, including doing errands around the house to ease the stress. She should also manage visitors, too many visitors equals too many conflicting advice. If mum is suffering from post natal depression, getting different advice can be confusing and will not help mum get better. 3.3 Explain where the maternity nurse should seek help should they become concerned about a mothers condition. It is common for mums for mums to become irritability or experience mood changes, and episodes of tearfulness after birth, this is known as baby blues. Baby blues is usually over within a few weeks. But if the symptoms are persistent, it could well be the result of postnatal depression. It is important for the maternity nurse to recognise the signs of post natal depression If the maternity nurse is concerned about mums behaviour she should speak to dad or a close friend or family member to find out what mums character was like before baby was born. She would need to find out if the birth was not what mum expected as that can also trigger post natal depression. If mum has a flat expression, doesnt want to get dressed or go out and meet people, these are all signs of post natal depression. The maternity nurse should monitor the situation, if it doesnt get better after a couple of days then she should let dad know and he should seek professional help. It is important for partners, family and friends to recognise signs of postnatal depression as early as possible and seek professional advice. There are many symptoms of postnatal depression, feeling unable to cope, difficulty sleeping and low mood but many women are not aware they have the condition. 5.1 Explain what reflux is. What are the main reasons babies experience this condition. How can you support the baby through these times? Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) commonly known as reflux, happens when the milk baby has drank comes back up into his oesophagus which is the food pipe or even into his mouth. It is a temporary which usually gets better on its own. It is not unusual for a baby to get reflux and it doesnt necessary a sign that baby is ill. During their first three months almost half of babies have reflux once or more a day (PRODIGY 2009). A small percentage of babies have trouble severe or persistent reflux which affects their well-being. This is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). The babys food pipe connects his mouth with his stomach. Your baby has a ring of muscle (valve) where his food pipe joins his stomach. The muscular valve opens to let through milk the baby has swallowed, and closes to keep milk in his tummy. Babies usually get reflux because the ring of muscle hasnt developed fully yet. This means that when the babys tummy is full, milk and acid can come back up the food pipe, causing discomfort. If your babys reflux is mild, and hes still feeding well and isnt too upset by it, these tips may help: Hold baby in an upright position when feeding. After each feed upright for 20 to 30 minutes. Giving baby smaller but more frequent feeds. Bottle fed babies need to be burped every two to three minutes while being fed. 5.2 Explain what colic is. What are the main reasons babies experience this condition. How can you support the baby through these times? Colic happens when a healthy baby cries excessively and cant be soothed. It is also called persistent crying. For a new mum this sort of crying can be very upsetting, trying to comfort a crying baby over many hours is hard work and leaves mum feeling helpless. This persistent crying can drive mum to tears herself. It is important for the maternity nurse to let mum know that she is doing nothing wrong and baby is crying for no particular reason. It usually starts between two weeks and four weeks and is usually over by the time baby turns three or four months old. When babies have colic, they cry more often and for longer periods. After some time their crying will become the same as babies who do not have colic. It is not known why some babies will cry more than other babies. Colic affects boys and girls in equal measure and breastfed and formula babies. It is important to reassure new mothers that their crying is not a result of anything they are doing.(Barr et al 2005) There are a number of reasons a baby may be crying: Indigestion and wind may be caused by a maturing gut Babies have to learn how to stop crying Babies may need to be cuddled The following suggestions may comfort baby by simulating the environment of the uterus: Ensure your heartbeat is regular and hold baby close to your body Swaddle baby if he is less than a month old and snugly wrap baby. Make sure it is quiet and dark. A warm calming bath can soothe baby. Rocking or swaying can also be calming. 5.3 Explain a range of allergies or intolerances which may contribute to colic or a baby being unsettled and how would you recognise them. In certain cases, babys crying is caused by: An allergy which is temporary A possible intolerance to milk protein in breast or formula milk A lactose intolerance which may be temporary A breastfeeding position which is awkward (baby may not have latched on correctly) Other illness such as fever, upset tummy etc. In rare cases (1 in 10), babies may cry for different reasons, the symptoms will be: Cry which may be high pitched or not sound normal Bringing up or runny tummy, possible loss of weight or blood in stool Problems with feeding or not keeping milk down 6.1 Explain expected weight patterns of a newborn, and identify why and when to seek help. The average newborn weighs around 7.5 pounds, although birth weights can range between 5.5 to 10 pounds. Babies lose 6 10 percent of their body weight in the initial days after birth, most of this weight loss is surplus body water. After approximately 3 4 days the newborn will start to regain weight and should equal or pass the birth weight between 10 14 days. In the following 3 months, an infant should grow around an ounce a day. Between 3 6 months weight gain will normally slow to 4 5 ounces per week. Between 6 12 months weight gain reduces to 2 3 ounces a week. It is important for the parents of new born babies to remember the weight of an infant is only one indicator of growth, others are height and head circumference. A useful way of monitoring a childs growth is to plot all three growth measurements. The following are good indicators of why and when to seek help: Newborns growth measurements are significantly lower than average Newborn is not eating or sleeping well, may affect weight Newborn starts to lose weight without any extra activity 6.2 Explain best practice in caring for the cord, circumcision, nails, scalp and eyes. Include what could cause a problem, and how you would rectify this. Cord Important to keep dry Sponge baths recommended, avoid immersing newborn in water If the cord is too moist or begins to ooze, the base of the cord should be wiped with water or rubbing alcohol and then dried off Once cord falls off, continue to clean base Circumcision After every nappy change put petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on the head of the penis Initially the penis head will be red and swollen and a yellow sticky coating may appear, continue to apply petroleum jelly Once coating is gone, petroleum jelly does not need to be applied Nails Newborns hands can be covered to stop scratching Once nails are long enough, the tips may be peeled away manually Nail clipper can be used to remove part of the nail which is not connected to skin Emery board or nail file can be used to smooth sharp edges Scalp Should be treated with baby or mineral oil either once or twice a week If cradle cap develops, oil should be massaged into scalp and a fine comb used to loosen the scales Eyes Outside of the newborns eyes should be cleaned carefully when bathing If red spots are noticed on the white part of the eye or iris, nothing needs to be done as these are spots of blood and do not affect the babys vision or cause pain If thick yellow or green discharge occurs, a GP should be consulted 6.4 Explain how best to support a mother in making the change from breast to bottle. Provide information for 2 ways to handle this transition, listing the pros and cons for each. Making the change from breast feeding to bottle can be very difficult for new mums, often they can have feelings of inadequacy and guilt. They need to be supported by the dad or friends and family during this time. Also, it may help if a professional speaks to them to explain these feelings are normal. It may be useful to speak to other new mums as they will have similar feelings. When weaning from breast to bottle, there are a number of different ways to go about this, however whichever way is chosen it should always be gradual so both mum and baby have a chance to get used to it. One method is a combination of breast and cup feeding, pro baby has a chance to get used to a new way of feeding, con it may take longer to wean baby off breast. Another method is to wait a bit longer and then switch from breast to bottle, pros transition may be quicker and gives baby no other option but to get used to it, cons can be a shock for baby and mum. 6.5 Explain how the feeding will change over the first 6 weeks in a formula feed baby. Week 0 3 : between 30ml to 60ml at each feed, every 2 3 hours about 8 times a day. Baby will only be able to manage small amounts of formula. Week 4 6 : between 90ml to 120 ml at each feed, every 3 4 hours about 6 times a day. Daily consumption may be between 400 to 800 ml per day. As weight is gained, the baby should start eating more at each feed, also time between feeding will increase. Growth spurts often occur at 7 14 days old or 3 6 weeks. 7.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of on demand feeding. Advantages on demand feeding Promotes trust and bonding as needs are met instantly Can help baby reach a good weight quickly Alleviates and prevents engorgement Babies have also been found to have fewer digestive problems Disadvantages on demand feeding Harder to predict and manage a childs feeding schedule if there is no schedule Amount of food not regulated Feeding cannot be planned in advanced 7.2 Analyse the main differences between two opposing theories of the sleep patterns of babies. The two sleep pattern theories I will be looking at are: hunger and comfort. Hunger Babies have small stomachs and cannot hold a lot of food in their stomachs Babies wake up to refill because their stomachs are empty Comfort Babies are not always hungry when they wake up Babies are looking for contact and comfort Babies need to be held and loved 7.3 Explain the need to start good sleeping and feeding practices with a newborn and how you help a mother implement them. It is very important to start good sleeping and feeding practices with a newborn. In the first few weeks newborns typically sleep for up to 18 hours a day. They require a lot of sleep for their development and growth, thus the need to develop good sleeping patterns early on. Good sleeping practices become really important when the newborn reaches 3 months as they start to settle into a pattern and it up to the parents to have made key decisions such as when and where the newborn sleeps. Good feeding practices are equally important for growth and development as newborns typically sleep for 2 to 4 hours at a time, waking up for a feed. The first 12 months in a childs life are crucial as more growth happens in this period than at any other time in a childs life. Also, as with sleep, good feeding practices early on will determine how a newborn gets used to feeding. A mother can be helped to implement good sleeping and feeding practices by establishing a daily routine. Although the newborn is too small to understand, they will start adapting to the habits of doing the same things over a period of time. A few helpful tips are: Ensure the room where the newborn sleeps is dark, leaving the light off at night. Dont make any noise when feeding, practice feeding without the light on. Establish a pre bed routine such as warm baths, soothing music before nap time. UNIT TITLE: Breast Feeding Support Skills 1. Why might Luke be unsettled at the breast? Give solutions to the reasons you have suggested. Luke may be unsettled at the breast as he may not be latched onto mums breast properly. It is very important that the latch is done properly and many new mums need help with it. It is a common mistake new mums make; they only put the nipple into babys mouth.à To latch properly the nipple and part of the areola needs to be in babys mouth while feeding. à To help mum obtain a good latch, ask mum to hold baby in arm she is not feeding with and line baby to nipple. Use feeding hand to help manoeuvre the nipple in. Its less likely for the nipple to get sore if the latch is done correctly.à Annabelle will need to check to see if mums nipples are sore which may be causing her to tense up while feeding baby. If it is sore she can suggest: To keep feeding Luke because if she stops breastfeeding, it may be difficult to restart once her breasts in particular her nipples have healed. A short term option in the case of worse pain on either side, may be to feed from the breast which is not as painful. A nipple shield could be used in order to avoid further damage to mums nipple, although using the nipple shield can create a suction which can open the cracks on mums breasts. The main disadvantages to this method may be a reduction in the supply of milk and the nipple shield can alter how baby sucks. Many mothers have found relief by rubbing breast milk over their nipples after a feed or purified lanolin ointment, until healing occurs. This principle is called moist would healing. 2. What could be causing the pink patch? How would you remedy this? The pink patch could be caused by milk getting blocked in the ducts. Mastitis is caused when blocked ducts are not removed which turns into breast infections, mum will feel like she has the flu. Its advised to feed on the breast that has the blocked duct,à nurse frequently empty the breasts thoroughly.à Aim for nursing at least every 2 hours, keeping the affected breast as empty as possible, but not neglecting the other breast. When unable to breastfeed, mum should express milk frequently and thoroughly (with a breast pump or by hand). Mum will need to rest and have lots of fluids and nutritious foods to help strengthen her immune system. She should wear her bra loosely and remove any constrictive clothing to aid milk flow. Heatà and gentleà massageà before nursing also helps with blocked ducts. If the blocked duct doesnt clear then mum has to consult the doctor. If the blocked duct is not cleared it can turn into an abscess and may need to be drained. 3. What questions should you ask Susan about her feeding patterns since she got home, and why? I would ask Susan the following questions: How many times is she feeding Luke per day? Susan should be aiming to feed Luke between 8 10 times a day. Frequent feeding encourages good milk supply and will reduce engorgement. Is she feeding Luke on a schedule or when he appears to be hungry? There are differing viewpoints on which method is better. Personally I would recommend feeding when hungry as Susan has just brought Luke home from the hospital. How long does she allow Luke at the breast when feeding? It is important to allow Luke unlimited time at the breast when feeding to ensure he feeds well and has a good sleep. 4. Develop a plan to help Susan breastfeed successfully, saying why you recommend this. Breastfeed Luke according to his needs (on demand feeding) Breastfeeding Luke on demand will help prevent engorgement, reduce sore nipples and help to ensure the supply of milk matches babys hunger. Encourage Susan to keep Luke skin-to-skin for the first few weeks. This will encourage bonding between Susan and Luke and assist with stimulating the hormones needed to produce milk. Susan and Luke should sleep in the same room for the first few weeks. This will help Susan to learn Lukes feeding cues, this should not affect Susans sleep as research shows that even if new mums sleep in a different room, their sleep patterns often mirror their newborns. Encourage Susan not to use dummies or bottles. When feeding by bottle, babies have to use different tongue and jaw movements, this can confuse babies when switching between nipple and bottle. Encourage Susan to only feed Luke breast milk unless it becomes necessary to feed him something else. Breast milk provides all the nutrients and antibodies needed by Luke. If there are concerns about Lukes weight, Susan should try frequent feeding. Most mothers can produce enough breastmilk for their babies so it is best to try and feed baby more instead of resorting to supplementary feeding. Unit title Breastfeeding Support Skills Analyse the main benefits of breastfeeding Breastfeeding is good for a newborn as breast milk contains substances which cannot be reproduced or replaced by formula. Breast milk contains nutrients which newborns need and antibodies to protect newborns from infection. Breastfeeding is a positive experience for both mum and the newborn as it strengthens the maternal bond and makes the infant feel safe and nurtured. It allows the mum to provide the newborn with everything needed for good growth and development. The main benefits of breastfeeding are: Contains good balance of nutrients and antibodies in an easily digestible form. Can reduce onset of common allergies such as asthma and eczema. Minimises occurrence of illness such as diarrhoea, ear infections, respiratory illness and stomach bugs. Enhances special bond between mum and newborn. No cost involved and burns calories for mum. 2.1 Explain how the main structures of the breast are involved in lactation The main structures of the breast involved in lactation are the nipple, areola, lactiferous duct (milk duct) and the lobes of the mammary gland. When the newborn takes the nipple and areola into their mouth to suckle the areolar glands provide lubrication during breastfeeding. The milk ducts transport milk from the mammary glands to the nipple allowing the newborn to feed. Breast milk is released from milk duct orifices (holes) on the nipples surface. 2.2 Explain the role of hormones in producing and releasing breastmilk The below diagram and explanation alongside best explain the role of hormones in the production of breastmilk, obtained from the following website: 2.3 Identify and summarise the constituents of colostrums, foremilk and hindmilk There are 3 types of breastmilk, colostrum, foremilk and hindmilk. Colostrum: Yellowish colour. Produced before lactation begins, in the initial days after birth of the newborn. Rich in antibodies and nutrients. Foremilk: Is the milk the newborn first tastes during a feeding. Thin and lower in fat content. Hindmilk: Follows foremilk during feeding. High in calories and richer in fat content. 5.2 Explain how the effects of drugs can be passed to babies through breastmilk and ways in which this can be minimised When breastfeeding if the mum takes drugs, it is excreted into the milk which the newborn drinks. Depending on the drug taken by the mum, this can then have adverse effects on the newborn. Although these passed on substances are mildly filtered by the mothers metabolism their harmful effects still impact the newborn because of the small body-weight ratio. These harmful effects may be minimised by: Limiting the intake of the drugs. Extend the time between taking the drug and the babys feed, at least 2 to 3 hours. Try to feed newborn before taking drugs. Where possible take substitute drugs which are less harmful. References (below sites accessed between 1 February 2013 5 April 2013 Home
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