Thursday, August 27, 2020
RIP Tupac Amaur Shakur (1971-1996) Essays - Gangsta Rappers
Tear Tupac Amaur Shakur (1971-1996) Cover me smilin, with G's in my pocket, host a gathering a my memorial service, let each rapper rock it, let tha diggers that I usta know from route before kiss me from my head to my toe..tell all my individuals I'm a Ridah, no one cries when we kick the bucket, we bans, let me ride.- Tupac Shakur (1971-1996) His name was Tupac Amaru Shakur he was conceived on June 16, 1971 he was a quarter century old when he was slaughtered In las Vegas ,Nevada On 10 13, 1996 He estimated 5' 7 tall and weighed 165 lbs. He was a rapper/on-screen character. He was gifted when he put his psyche to something.Some might express want to hit the dance floor with death. 2Pac was a rapper/on-screen character who recorded various records an assumed head jobs in a couple of films. He sold all the more then ten million records and made millions from his motion pictures this is a man that was naturally introduced to viciousness and went the other way by doing everything everything his folks didn't do. 2Pac went to workmanship school in the concentrated of touchy verse. He was shot outside the Tyson battle by an idea to be east coast rival. A white Cadillac moved up on the vehicle that he was celebrating in and terminated 13 rounds at him while he had his entire chest area out of the bay window. A few people imagine this may be a sort defensive guardianship or an exposure stunt.
Group Work Engaging in Knowledge Transfer
Question: Talk about the Group Workfor Engaging in Knowledge Transfer. Answer: Presentation Gathering work is basically when a gathering of understudies or individuals progress in the direction of a typical reason as one. Inside the learning procedure, legitimate connections among understudies are basic in the learning procedure, (Brown et al., 2014). Such a conventional method of learning is said to help confidence and the capacity of understudies to learn most angles through friend educators. In numerous open establishments, this recipe is by all accounts working practically speaking. Be that as it may, there are the breaking down elements of this method of learning. In this way, it is for the said glitches that my paper talks only on the issues that are disregarded about the entire thought of working in gatherings. My article will for the most part detail and disclose the reasons with respect to why we ought to either empower group works or debilitate bunch work in learning foundations. Gathering work faces lethargy from people. A few understudies are applying less endeavors and leaving the vast majority of the work to the included individuals from the group. Working in bunches encourages raising a whole give task where everybody invests their energy towards a shared objective, (Gregory and Thorley, 2013). The above sort of thought restricts a person to pull the entirety of their weight altogether to the achievement of a specific errand. Something else to consider is that in a gathering work individuals offer their own perspectives which are talked about and in this way ensure a high caliber of data on a given point. Be that as it may, the individual perspectives on people may not be reality relating a topic of conversation. The above conversation isn't to deny the way that gathering work reinforces data along these lines increment the unwavering quality of data however to show how it very well may be adverse in one manner subsequently wrecking us from that learning thought process. Gathering work is inclined to struggle. The contention between colleagues disheartens people from contributing in a learning procedure. The contentions may emerge because of differences about certain realities. (Robes, et al., 2015) recommends that absence of well mannered conflicts with perspectives on others prompts a contention thus making the more fragile understudies dread to let some circulation into their perspectives. Subsequently making the gathering work extremely undesirable to the learning procedure. Also, Wolfhagen is the way that, instead of individual examinations where one can't strife with self-in regards to confronting a question of focuses, a gathering work presents the test. Then again, Van Der Vleuten includes that singular commitment emphatically gets debilitated when other colleagues neglect to offer in their input but hope to acquire from the general exertion, (Dolmans et al., 2015). It is for such an explanation, that gathering works if not satisfactorily con trolled may prompt a brutality culture rather than a learning society. Since it debilitates particularly the frail from taking an interest, and it likewise makes others torpid inside the conversations since one's thought may shift from the general gathering's impression of seeing realities subsequently lead to such a contention. The gathering work can be ruled by an individual or specific people. Tyrannical happens in the gathering in situations where different individuals from a gathering become dynamic in responding to questions and the general exercises of the gathering to the detriment of different individuals who need to contribute. In concurrence with (Hillyard et al., 2010), the nearness of exceptionally dynamic benefactors inside the gathering's conversations is extremely hindering to a specific gathering. Since such individuals limit the capacity of some non-dynamic individuals from such a gathering to take an interest, they ought to be debilitated. Such, in this manner, mutilates the entire instrument of gathering work, all the more so its pith. Another type of tyrannical is the part of Littig, (Hillyard et al., 2010). The creator recommends that it is entirely expected to encounter individuals from a gathering intruding on others in a discussion to air their own view relating a subject of conversa tion thus ignoring that of the previous speaker. Some even proceed to garbage what the speaker has said in an impolite way. Such a bad habit decreases spirit in individuals. For example, in the event that the individual talking isn't as knowledgeable about open talking, at that point the individual may feel outside of any relevant connection to the subject at hand subsequently decrease their spirit. Such conduct is very harming particularly to the entire learning procedure of a person. Furthermore, another part of mastery by an individual is when not many individuals take positions of authority inside the gathering. Such a bad habit makes, that issue of disparity inside the gathering consequently may cause other colleagues to feel undervalued or even disregarded. When there are predominant individuals inside the gathering, the learning procedure meddled with; individuals won't have the option to get familiar with certain parts of the subjects of conversation for example how and why things complete, (Brandler et al., 2015). Since the majority of the exercises will be done in such individuals' way, not in a way everybody is agreeable. Thus, absence of legitimate authority inside a gathering is another explanation with regards to why gathering work isn't a compelling investigation process. Absence of good authority is considered as a formula to the difficulties of having a compelling collaboration, (Fukada et al., 2017). The part of preference inside the gathering is a major issue in gatherings. Issues, for example, time assignment to various individuals present an issue. The group heads grant a few individuals additional time when contrasted with different partners, (Sadath, et al., 2016). Thusly, causing a few individuals not to feel helpful or even needed inside such a gathering. Such a demonstration diminishes the yield of a gathering since not every person was given a similar chance to take an interest in the gathering work. Such a propensity can likewise be seen when the pioneer is in help to a specific gathering's perspective without appropriately giving equivalent opportunity to investigate the topic of con versation. Another method of which poor administration is an issue to the learning procedure is when there is when there is an absence of decency and regard of assessment. Such causes people to feel threatened during the gathering works thus stop to take part in dynamic conversations, in this manner, acting among the explanations behind poor yield quality. Another explanation is the point at which the pioneer has no influence over the gathering's exercises. For example, when there are individuals from the gathering that feels increasingly better than the others and the gathering head invests no amounts of energy in containing such practices, for example, discourteously interfering with a speaker and possibly over speeding the conversations that a few individuals from the gatherings are deserted slacking in regards to understanding the ideas. When there is no dynamic administration inside the gathering, there is a probability that the group will fall since there would be clashes insi de the gathering. Henceforth genuine administration assumes a fundamental job in group works, (Cohen and Lotan, 2014). The entirety of the referenced parts of absence of legitimate initiative inside the group, an unmistakable signs that when the board work has no one to direct it, the entire learning process utilizing the gathering works is simply yet a delusion of the realities that gathering works are intended to build the adsorption levels of understudies, help certainty and empower a well disposed learning space, (Arends, 2014) Therefore in as much as we are urged to take part in bunch conversations, we should likewise take sensible measures to guaranteeing that our consultations have less of apathy, decreased clash, control and appropriate authority from individuals who share a similar gathering. With such measures, the gathering work can be exceptionally helpful to understudies. References Arends, R. (2014). Figuring out how to instruct. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Brandler, S. what's more, Roman, C.P., 2015. Gathering work: Skills and procedures for viable mediations. Routledge. Earthy colored, L. K., Angus, D. C., Marin, M. G., Balmes, J. R., Barker, A. F., Ewart, G. ... Nathanson, I. T. (2014). Instructing by standards. Cohen, E. G., Lotan, R. A. (2014). Planning Group work: Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom Third Edition. Instructors College Press. Robes, D.H., De Grave, W., Wolfhagen, I.H. what's more, Van Der Vleuten, C.P., 2015. Problem?based learning: Future difficulties for instructive practice and exploration. Clinical Education, 39(7), pp.732-741. Fukada, Y., Murphey, T., Falout, J., Fukuda, T. (2017). Fundamental Motivational Group Dynamics: A 3-Year Panel Study. In Essential Competencies for English-medium University instructing (pp. 249-266). Springer International Publishing. Gregory, R. what's more, Thorley, L. eds., 2013. Utilizing bunch based learning in advanced education. Routledge. Hillyard, C., Gillespie, D. what's more, Littig, P., 2010. College understudies' mentalities about learning in little gatherings after successive interest. Dynamic Learning in Higher Education, 11(1), pp.9-20. Long, M. H., Porter, P. A. (2013). Gathering work, interlanguage talk, and second language obtaining. TESOL Quarterly, 207-228. Sadath, A., Muralidhar, D., Varambally, S. what's more, Gangadhar, B.N., 2016. Does Group Intervention Have Benefits on Expressed Emotion and Social Support in Careers of Persons with First Episode Psychosis? Social Work in Mental Health, (simply acknowledged).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What is initiative? As per Shockley-Zalabak (2009) Leadership is a procedure of directing people, gatherings, and whole association in setting up objectives and continuing activity to help objectives. What precisely is implied by administration? There are truly several definitions about who a pioneer is and what is considered as administration. Every definition may shift starting with one individual then onto the next and may change from one circumstance to the next. For instance we may call an individual a pioneer in light of the personsââ¬â¢ political race to the administration of an institution.Other times we state he/she isn't a pioneer since he/she doesn't show authority practices expected of the of a pioneer. As it were, we anticipated administration from the genuine situation of the administration, however when that president doesn't display initiative practices, we state that the president isn't a pioneer. As indicated by Yukl, (2002). The meaning of initiative is self-ass ertive and emotional. A few definitions are more helpful than others, yet there is no ââ¬Å"correctâ⬠definition. Authority hypotheses: Theories are generally helpful for impacting practice when they recommend new manners by which occasions and circumstances can be perceived.Fresh knowledge might be given by concentrating consideration on conceivable interrelationship that the training has neglected to see, which can be additionally investigated and tried through observational research. In the event that the outcome is a superior comprehension of training, the hypothesis ââ¬practice hole is fundamentally diminished for those concerned. (Hughes and Bush, 1991, p. 234). The characteristic hypothesis This hypothesis previously surfaced in the compositions of early Greeks and Romans and is predominant today among the individuals who accept that initiative can't be developed.This hypothesis expected that pioneers has natural attributes that made them viable, incredible pioneers w ere viewed as brought into the world with the capacity for authority, so it is it is possible that you have administration characteristics or you donââ¬â¢t . As per Shockley â⬠zalabak (2009) hypothesis of administration, that pioneers had intrinsic attributes that made them viable; is usually alluded to as the ââ¬Å"great manâ⬠hypothesis Leadership characteristics hypothesis is the possibility that individuals are brought into the world with certain character attribute or characteristics and since qualities are related with capable initiative, it expect that in the event that you could distinguish eople with the right attributes, you will have the option to recognize pioneers and individuals with authority potential. It is viewed as that we are conceived normally with attributes as a major aspect of our character; this hypothesis in synopsis accepts that pioneers are brought into the world not made Criticism Researches were done to characterize qualities or character t rademark that best anticipate the successful pioneer. Rundown of around eighty qualities or trademark were gotten however attribute approach neglected to characterize obviously a steady arrangement of trademark related with compelling leadership.Even the idea of what is viable stays open to address. This hypothesis doesn't demonstrate a far reaching clarification to how pioneers cooperate with supporters and address the issues of explicit conditions. While genuinely others can be conceived pioneers, it is off base to sum up by saying that administration qualities are in brought into the world and unchangeable. Itââ¬â¢s genuine a considerable lot of our manners and propensities are impacted by our characters and the manner in which we are conceived. Nonetheless, the vast majority perceived that it is feasible for somebody to change their character attribute for the worse.Someone known for being straightforward can figure out how to be misleading, the entire thought of saying someb ody was ââ¬Å"corruptedâ⬠depends on the way that individuals can learn awful qualities. On the off chance that individuals can learn character qualities and become not quite the same as the manner in which they were conceived normally characteristics can be learnt also. An individual who is inclined to being unscrupulous can figure out how to be completely forthright. An individual who dodges dangers can figure out how to face challenge. It may not be simple, however it tends to be finished. STYLE APPROACHES Leadership style approach concentrates on the leadersââ¬â¢ conduct. Initiative style is the blend of qualities, abilities, and practices pioneers use as they collaborate with adherents: (Lussier, 2004) Though administration style depends on authority aptitudes and initiative characteristics, administration practices is the significant part. This is supposed to be the third way to deal with initiative examinations, a reliable example of conduct is the thing that describ es a pioneer. ââ¬Å"In moving the investigation of initiative to leadersââ¬â¢ style or practices, the style approach extended the investigation of administration to different contextsâ⬠(North house, 2004).According to Shockley-Zalabak (2009) style approach or speculations endeavor to distinguish and mastermind the general methodologies pioneers use to accomplish objectives. These methodologies are believed to be based or a leaderââ¬â¢s suspicion about what spurs individuals to achieve objectives. This hypothesis endeavors to distinguish a scope of general methodologies pioneers use to impact objective accomplishment. These methodologies are conjectured to be founded on the leaderââ¬â¢s suspicion about what inspires individuals to achieve goals.Particular approaches additionally reflect complex connections among the individual attributes of the pioneer. Top among the style speculations is the imperious to-popularity based continuum previously proposed by Ralph while a nd Ronald Lippitt (1960). Imperious style of pioneer is a pioneer who settles on choices with little impact from others Shockley-Zalabak (2009). The pioneer that displays this conduct settles on the choices, provides requests to representatives, and is continually administering his subordinate. This pioneer instructs others and for the most part upholds sanctions against the individuals who decided not to consent. He sees his adherents as basic for objective accomplishment yet for the most part feels little obligation regarding representative needs and relationship Shockley-zalabak (2009). Analysis Research proposes that imperiously driven gatherings produce more in amount than justly drove gatherings, however that the quality yield is better when more popular government is rehearsed. For the most part with dictatorial styles the drove are disturbed so they simply do as they are told not on the grounds that they have the enthusiasm of the establishment on a basic level or on the gro unds that they appreciate working.Democratic-Shockley-Zalabak (2009) states that this style of pioneers is the one that includes devotees in dynamic. The pioneer that displays this conduct advances shared choice, collaboration, and doesn't regulate his subordinates intently. He accept supporters can partake in dynamic, they attempt to make an atmosphere in which critical thinking can occur while safeguarding relational connections. Unmistakably these authority styles are oppositeââ¬â¢s end of a continuum.As such, itââ¬â¢s simple to imagine that a leaderââ¬â¢s administration style s follows between those finishes. Analysis When a pioneer is law based on occasion his different partners in authority positions can take a gander at him as a weakling and furthermore the subordinates may exploit and needs to be discourteous. Free enterprise style-Here the pioneer acts as non-pioneer. People and gatherings are relied upon to settle on their own choices on account of a hand-off meth odology from the pioneer. The free enterprise pioneer is a case of non-pioneer. This pioneer anticipates that gatherings and people should make their own decision.He gives data just when ask by bunch individuals. Analysis The achievement of the gathering relies enormously upon the capacities of the gathering and gatherings individuals ability to work with practically no administration. On the off chance that the gatherings individuals comprise of individuals that need a push to do things they wonââ¬â¢t have the option to accomplish a lot. Ruined administration According to Shockley-Zalabak (2009) this style is described by low worry for relational connections and assignment achievement. This pioneer makes barely any endeavors to impact individuals towards undertaking or goals.He despises initiative obligations and lets others assume the liability that legitimately has a place with the pioneer. This pioneer is generally awkward with initiative and mentally opposes the requirement for it. Analysis These pioneers might be fundamentally liable for the disappointment of the gathering. Widely appealing administration This is a style of pioneer who adjusts task and peoplesââ¬â¢ concerns; ordinarily alluded to as undermined initiative or the board. The pioneer arranges and bargains to accomplish functional understandings and headings for activity Country club the executives This is a style of pioneers who accentuates relational relationship to the detriment of objective accomplishment the pioneer here needs to be loved and have bunch adherents who feel upheld by the pioneer. He gives a relational relationship bond that is low on task accentuation and high in relational help Criticism He may need an assignment achieved yet won't find a way to underscore this component to other people, if individuals are not profoundly task situated; he winds up accomplishing their work. As opposed to demanding that the workers show exclusive requirements of execution. These pione ers may not build up the capacities of the individuals under them.Team administration: This is the hypothetical perfect: group pioneers display high worry for both errand and relational connections by accentuating objective achievement while supporting individuals, it encourages a feeling of ââ¬Å"weâ⬠with elite measures. This initiative offer dynamic and takes a stab at critical thinking intended to tackle as opposed to delay issue, it regards distinctive perspective and worth assorted variety as long as it adds to the collective endeavor. Analysis Team individuals who bolster each other however need more capacity or data to take a shot at issues won't have the option to create a great choice.
To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Essays - Literature, Film
To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Portray the accompanying individuals from the Finch family: Atticus - Scout and Jem's dad, a legal counselor in Maycomb plummeted from an old nearby family. A single man with a dry comical inclination, Atticus has imparted in his youngsters his solid feeling of ethical quality and equity. He is one of only a handful barely any occupants of Maycomb focused on racial uniformity . Scout - he storyteller and hero of the story. Jean Louise Scout Finch lives with her dad, Atticus, her sibling, Jem, and their dark cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb. She is canny and, by the guidelines of her time and spot, a boyish girl. Scout has a contentious streak (component) and an essential confidence in the decency of the individuals in her locale . Jem - Scout's sibling and consistent mate toward the start of the story. Jeremy Atticus Jem Finch is something of a commonplace American kid, declining to withdraw from dares and fantasizing about playing football . Calpurnia - The Finches' dark cook. Calpurnia is a harsh drill sergeant and the kids' scaffold between the white world and her own dark network. What are the games that Jam and Scout play with Dill? Scout, Jem and Dill utilize their creative mind to reproduce and carry on well known motion pictures and plays. They do this for quite a while, before making their own accounts. In the end, they make anecdotes about Arthur Radley (AKA Boo Radley) and are intrigued by his secrecy. Which spurs them to mess around of grandiosity around the Radley place, which gets to some degree perilous. Depict every one of the accompanying neighbors: Mr. Avery - Is an overweight neighbor that is profoundly su perstitious. He accuses the kids' terrible conduct' for the day off. Mrs. Dubose - An older, cantankerous, bigot lady who lives close to the Finches. In spite of the fact that Jem accepts that Mrs. Dubose is an altogether awful lady, Atticus respects her for the boldness with which she fights her morphine enslavement. Ms. Maudie - The Finches' neighbor, a harshly toned widow, and an old companion of the family. Miss Maudie is nearly a similar age as Atticus' more youthful sibling, Jack. She shares Atticus' energy for equity and is the youngsters' closest companion among others. What do we find out about the Cunningham's? The Cunninghams are perhaps the most unfortunate family in Maycomb. They don't acknowledge anything from individuals, on the off chance that they can't bring it back. We find out about the Cunninghams through (essentially) Walter Cunningham. For instance, Walter wouldn't take a quarter from Miss Caroline in light of the fact that he could return it back to her. Alsoin the start of thestory,Scout asks Atticus for what good reason the Mr. Cunningham drops off wood andAtticus says thatishis method of taking care of individuals. What are the extremely significant things that Scout learned at school on her first day? Scout gets significant instruction on her first day of school, yet a large portion of it concerns withhow to manage others as opposed to with educational issues. First she gains from Jem that both of them ought to have little contact with each other at school. Scout learns numerous things about Miss Caroline: that she hails from northern Alabama, a region loaded up with people of no foundation; that she thinks instructing should just be finished by instructors; that she trusts Atticus has been causing harm to Scout by perusing to her; that cursive composing ought not be scholarly until some other time than the primary evaluation; andthat Miss Caroline has never stumbled into cooties (head lice) previously. Above all, Scout takes in exercises from Calpurnia about how to treat a house visitor; and, from Atticus,how it is ideal to move into his skin first before making a decision about an individual. She likewise learns the meaning of bargain and that it is so critical to Atticus that she get a government funded instruction. Scenes in the story that include the Radley Place up until this point, and there noteworthiness: In Chapter One, Dill, Jem, and Scout initially start to ponder about Boo Radley. Dill was the first to pick up the fixation in observing and finding increasingly about Boo Radley This startles Scout and Jem, however enchants Dill. (Pages 12-15) Dill is persuaded they should cajole Boo out; Jem and Scout are certain he will slaughter himself. In any case, when a challenge is made
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Headings For College Application Essay
Writing Headings For College Application EssayIn the days before essay writing software became a staple in every home, you'd have to rely on your common sense in order to write a solid, engaging, and impactful essay for your college application. You'd have to know the contents of the essay before writing it, and it would be up to you to practice with the sample until you had the fundamentals down. Today, however, we've got so many options at our disposal that it's easy to find the right tool for the job - it's all in the head.If you want to know how to write a college application essay, you'll need to keep certain factors in mind. It won't do you any good to start writing with the subject line in mind or starting out with a preconceived idea of what you want to say. While the ability to express yourself is certainly an important part of writing an essay, you'll want to keep your thoughts focused on the end result you're hoping to get when it comes to your college application. Keep th is in mind when you're looking to use heading for college application essay tips.Getting an objective and relevant perspective out of a person can be difficult - and intimidating. While each applicant has a unique story to tell, everyone has a unique perspective and needs to be heard. Headings for college application essay are just one way to tell a story that will get the point across and help you be successful with your college applications.While there are a lot of students today who don't seem to care what school they apply to, you should still be able to find guidance for writing a compelling essay based on your personal experiences, interests, and other considerations. These pointers can help you overcome any preconceived notions about what college is like and help you get into a great school that will truly be a positive experience. Learning how to write a college application essay will help you to build the best possible impression on an admissions officer as you present your unique background and character. Creating heading for college application essay is just one of the many things you'll want to consider when you're trying to present your personal self. Your personal story is the most important aspect of your application, and you'll want to make sure you put your best foot forward when you're writing it. The style you choose to express yourself will depend entirely on how you feel about yourself - the more confident you are, the better you'll be able to show off your qualities and ideas in the essay.When it comes to writing essays for different colleges, one of the most important elements you'll want to consider is your passion and how that relates to the school itself. You may not realize this, but some admissions officers and admissions counselors actually look for this factor when they are looking to weed out applications. Whether or not you believe this to be true, you'll want to have an understanding of how your enthusiasm can be expressed in t he essay.Writing a college application essay is easy once you know how to get the right headings. You'll find that there are many essay samples that will give you great instructions on what you need to include and how to keep it all together. This will make it easy for you to find the proper essay heading for college application essay that will get you noticed as an academic prospect.Remember, heading for college application essay is a process, and it doesn't happen overnight. By looking at other essays you've written, and seeing how to make headings work for you, you'll be well on your way to producing a quality and effective essay. Be careful, though - there are some 'headings' out there that aren't appropriate, so be careful what you choose to insert into your essay.
Research Paper Writing Services Reviews
Research Paper Writing Services ReviewsIf you are a writer with an idea for a great paper or research paper, take some time to read some of the research paper writing services reviews that are out there. You may be able to save yourself a lot of time and money if you know what to look for when searching for an essay writing service.The main place that most people look when they are searching for writing services is in a newspaper. If your paper is picked up by a newspaper, you will see an advertisement for it on the back page of the paper. There are many writing services available today, so look for the writing services ads to get a better idea of what services will fit your needs and expectations.Some of the top search results that are listed when you do a search for writing services are from agencies and schools that offer tutoring services. When you are looking for essay writing services, don't go right to the agencies and schools. Read up on the writing services companies that yo u are interested in and make sure they offer the type of essay that you are hoping to write.Some of the most important things to remember when you are looking for a research paper writing service are the types of essay projects that are available. Although the research paper writing services you will be looking at may be the same, each project will vary slightly. If you want to avoid getting scammed, try to focus on a few different writing services that specialize in different types of papers and research topics.You may find that the writing services that are advertised are all offering you the same types of essays. By concentrating on a few different services, you can be assured that you will be getting a unique work that will be specifically tailored to your needs. This is a great way to ensure that you will be getting exceptional results that are perfectly aligned with your style.Research paper writing services have great resources available to them, so make sure that you ask a l ot of questions before you sign on the dotted line. Most writing services will tell you that they give their clients a free consultation. If you get the chance to meet with their staff, ask them as many questions as you can about how the paper writing services work.Even if you only need someone to edit your research paper writing services reviews before you hire them, you will need to feel comfortable with the person you are going to use to do this. Even the most experienced and highly qualified writers still make mistakes. Make sure that the person you are going to use for this task is someone who has written and edited for other people, or someone who is very familiar with research papers and essay writing.Research paper writing services are usually expensive, but you do not want to get a poor quality writing service that will cost you more than you bargained for. Even if you are working with a specific company, take a look at the writing services reviews that are available and th en go to another writing services company and see if they are a good match for you. If you do find that they are not, go to a third company and see if they are a good match.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
United States Should Not Be The Best Essay - 1287 Words
Americans consider their county to be the best. America helps other countries in need of assistance after a natural disaster or feed hungry Africans that are without food. There is a problem here, why do Americans help other countries when Americans are suffering. Families are starving, even parents forgoing eating so their children can. One group that can help is the top one percent in the United States. They have large amounts of money, why canââ¬â¢t they give any away? They use their money to boost their profits instead by underpaying employees to other countries, avoiding taxes through loopholes and tax havens and outsourcing jobs to other countries. The money they send away could be used for government funded programs like food stamps and unemployment or they could donate to food banks. There is a plethora of ways big business is damaging our own economy and it is starving our people. The main goal of a business is to break even, spending about the amount as profits gained, or gain a net profit and expand. While expanding is expensive, companies will attempt to outsource jobs to different countries for a cheaper cost . Outsourcing is an issue for multiple unemployed and employed Americans, where the businesses could be supporting families by creating jobs for those who need them. Flatworld solutions, a company made to help businesses outsource jobs, would argue, ââ¬Å"You can get your job done at a lower cost and at better quality as wellâ⬠(Flatworld). It does lower the cost,Show MoreRelatedWhat Are The Best Policies The United States Should Implement956 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat are the best policies the United States should implement to solve the illegal immigration problem? Immigration is an important implication throughout the United States as a whole. This topic drafts many opinions, both positive and negative. 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Government s Government1202 Words à |à 5 PagesThroughout history, the united states government had a good reputation with their people, but lately it has been fading away. The united states government has not live up to their reputation and trust with their citizens due to recent events. Now, the government feels like it has become more corrupt, and unfair towards their citizens. Many American citizens do not trust their government because of what the government stands for. For many of us, the government is all about power and money, soRead MoreIgnore or Gore: Should the U.S. get involved in Crimea or not? In the past several years, there1300 Words à |à 6 PagesIgnore or Gore: Should the U.S. get involved in Crimea or not? In the past several years, there have been many occurrences of conflict between different nations, about their nationality and being stripped of their own birth place. The United States has a tendency to associate themselves in the center of these foreign affairs. The United States, in order to maintain good economic relations and their super power status, feels the need to always get involved and provide support for the country theyRead MoreAnalysis Of George Washington s Farewell Address1009 Words à |à 5 Pagesadvice to the county regarding relations with other nations: ââ¬Å"avoid entangling alliances.â⬠Those words shaped United States foreign policy for more than a century (Policy Making, American Government). Today some Americans think that Washingtonââ¬â¢s words are still wise ones, and that the United States (U.S.) should withdraw from world affairs whenever possible. In truth, however, the United States has been embroiled in world politics throughout the 20th cen tury, and as a result, foreign policy takes up
Human Dependency on Technology Essays - 1050 Words
Humans are now living in an era thatââ¬â¢s nothing like the world has ever seen before, the Information era. According to Market Information and Statistics Division, in 2009, an estimated 26 per cent of the worldââ¬â¢s population (or 1.7 billion people) were using the Internet. In developed countries the percentage remains much higher than in the developing world where four out of five people are still excluded from the benefits of being online. We are constantly being introduced to new additions and forms of technology. Many of these items which we are introduced to are made to ââ¬Å"make our life easier.â⬠For example computers are made to compress many technological pieces together that we can use to complete many different tasks. As these items helpâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦More and more people are turning to online dating websites and social networks to meet people and make new friendships by simply filling out a detailed profile of different people linking with their common interest. Some may argue that this is not a natural way of developing relationships. Relationships are not as simple as logging on to a computer and chatting with someone you donââ¬â¢t really know. With that comes the risk of revealing too much personal information and putting yourself at risk. In August 2003 alone, 40 million unique users visited online dating sites in the United States alone, this was according to Andreo Fiore (qtd. in U.S. News World Report). The use of technology does not only have social negative impact. Diane K. Danielson who is the CEO and the founder of the Downtown Womens Club, a womens networking organization, she wrote on January 2009 that, ââ¬Å"Americans are relying more and more on personal digital assistants (PDAs) with e-mail access. But surveys show were not using these devices to reign in our work hours; instead were adopting technology to help us work harder, faster and longer.â⬠This tells us that such innovations are t aking our leisure time away. Let us try to pause for a moment and examine closely the hold and effects modern technology has on our lifestyle. We should count the number of hours we spend just chatting away, playing computer games, or surfing endlessly. How much do we spareShow MoreRelatedHuman Dependency on Technology510 Words à |à 2 PagesPeople have become overly dependent on technology Most of the time they say, us as humans we are becoming extremely dependent on technology on daily basis. However I stoutly oppose those words. It is true that technology can over influence our lives; it is rare to walk into a standard familyââ¬â¢s home and find watching a blaring television but on segregated electronic devices it cannot be stated that us as humans would not live without them. The technology we hypothetically rely on today is all relativelyRead MoreDependency on Technology : Negative Impact on Human Communication5686 Words à |à 23 PagesDependency on Technology: Negative Impacts on Human Communication Quazi Mohammad Faisal North South University Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Abstract Technology has indeed made tremendous impact to society as well as on the quantity and manner by which we communicate with each other. The ease of communication may have been improved, but our lives have become more impersonal as a result. The research was focused on the area of technologyââ¬â¢s application on our lives and how it is affectingRead MoreScience Fiction, And, Star Wars And The Time Machine1487 Words à |à 6 PagesWarsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Time Machineâ⬠. Technology is an aspect that has been seen in these works and has been distinguished for its advances. Science Fiction has allowed for the thoughts of the author to take shape and one of the most used topic is the advancement of technology and where it may take humanity. The work and ideology of Kathryn Cramer, David Hartwell, and Isaac Asimov have helped to further understand the concept of technological advancements and their effects on human moral decision making. TheRead MoreHigh Dependence On Social Medi a Technology1648 Words à |à 7 Pageshigh dependence on social media technology in daily human interaction and sharing of information. This has shaped the social interactions and development of personal relationships of people more so teenagers. Individuals in the modern society use social media technology extensively, which has caused significant change in time people spend in alternative activities. That is, given a time constraint of 24 hours in a day, time spent in using social media technology is drawn from another activity likeRead MoreTechnology Has Changed Our Lives Essay1440 Words à |à 6 PagesTechnology Has Taken Over Our Lives Our society has become dangerously dependent on technology. Easy access to technology during every minute of the day can be useful at some points, but overall is not necessary. Specific problems, and causes will give us a glimpse into our growing dependency and how it is affecting our lives in various ways, none of which are appealing. Our society has become too dependent on technology. New technology used in areas such as medicine, business, manufacturing andRead MoreSputnik, The Russian State Into The Vast Realm Of Space887 Words à |à 4 Pagesbeyond the confines of Earth, modernity entered an entirely new construct. The event marked not only an achievement for science and technology, but also for mankind as a whole. Sputnik served as the ââ¬Å"first step toward escape from menââ¬â¢s imprisonment on Earth, modernity entered an entirely new context. The event marked not only an achievement for science and technology, but also for mankind as a whole. Sputnik served as the ââ¬Å"first step toward escape from menââ¬â¢s imprisonment on Earth,â⬠cultivating whatRead MoreSocietys Addiction to Computers Essay781 Words à |à 4 Pagesadvance in technology, computers have developed to be the leader of the world. Increasingly, computers are playing more roles in helping people to remember a friendââ¬â¢s birthday or maintain relationships with others. Therefore, they have contributed positive to the development of relationships and improvement of the general knowledge of the society. Critics however argue that the society is becoming progressively more dependent on computers. In this essay, the arguments for the dependency on computersRead MoreAre we too Dependent on Computers?1091 Words à |à 4 PagesToday we live in a modern age where technological development is one of the greatest gifts to humanity. Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function (Wikipedia). It also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangementsRead MoreThe Flight From Conversation By Sherry Turkle1103 Words à |à 5 Pa gesonce said, â⬠It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanityâ⬠(Einstein). Everyday, technology is advancing at a rapid pace, improving many lives and making things more convenient. For instance, in Japan, robots have been created by researchers at the University of Tokyo to assist home chores. Although technology has made our lives better, we have lost an important part of our self: the skills necessary for human communication. In her essay, ââ¬Å"The Flight From Conversationâ⬠Read MoreMobile Phones And Its Impact On The World1329 Words à |à 6 PagesIn the current world people are fascinated with technology. In the 21 are spending an ever increasing amount of time with technology. The latest technology is highlighted by the up to date fascination with the cell phone more so smart phones. These gadgets are used for better or for worse and seems to be encouraging individuals to relatively spend more time with technology and less with their colleague or fellow human beings. Currently there is a transformation of mobile phones to a necessity
Friday, May 15, 2020
Lord of the Flies Commentary - 1131 Words
Passage Commentary: Lord of the Flies, Pages 109-111 In this passage from Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the reader gets deep insight into Ralphââ¬â¢s mind and how the boys are adapting to life on the island. Occurring around the middle of the novel, this passage dives into the thoughts of Ralph to see what he is really feeling about being stranded. It shows how the other boys are coping, and it demonstrates the two different sides of the island; the reader now sees the dangerous, wild side representing the savagery of the boys, and the safe, light side representing their innocence. When the reader looks at the passage with an inquisitive eye, one will see that Goldingââ¬â¢s choice in tone and content gives the passage many levels ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The island has the light and the dark side. This is a symbol for the light and dark side of the boys on the island. The safe side is described in a happy and hopeful tone using words such as ââ¬Å"filmy enchantments,â⬠ââ¬Å"mirage,â⬠ââ¬Å"dream of r escue,â⬠and ââ¬Å"irresistible.â⬠But as the reader dives into the other side, one feels the hope drain out and the author begins to use words such as ââ¬Å"cold,â⬠ââ¬Å"clipped,â⬠ââ¬Å"hard,â⬠and ââ¬Å"condemned.â⬠The ocean is characterized as having ââ¬Å"Shining hair,â⬠ââ¬Å"arm of surf,â⬠ââ¬Å"fingers of spray,â⬠and ââ¬Å"rising with a roar.â⬠Here the reader sees how Golding personifies the ocean and one watches as the sea taunts Ralph, showing the power of nature over man. The emphasis of the dark tone used by the author adds to the feeling of the passage. The words chosen by Golding were clearly chosen thoughtfully to give the darkness meaning, layers and depth to the description. As the reader ends the passage, the dark tone continues with words such as, ââ¬Å"painful,â⬠ââ¬Å"gripped,â⬠and ââ¬Å"stiff.â⬠This dark description leads up to the last sentence of the passage said by Simon: â⠬Å"Youââ¬â¢ll get back to where you came from.â⬠The emphasis of the quote is clearly on the word ââ¬Å"youâ⬠as in the later chapters the reader sees the death of Simon. Simon has insight into Ralphââ¬â¢s thoughts here. The reader can see, with a close read, that Simon has insight into what Ralph is thinking without Ralph even speaking aloud. Here,Show MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1776 Words à |à 8 PagesMaybe the beast is us (Golding 85), in the novel, Lord of the Flies, by author William Golding, Golding uses the entire book as social commentary. The social aspect he focuses on is manââ¬â¢s ability to be evil and destructive. William Golding uses three specific literary devices to convey this idea; characterization, diction and symbolism. Lord of the Flies explains man s capacity for evil which is revealed in his inherent human nature, which he cannot control or ignore. The hidden evil withinRead More Struggle Between Good and Evil in William Goldings Lord of the Flies1186 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Struggle Between Good and Evil in William Goldings Lord of the Flies à à à Evil is not an external force controlled by the devil, but rather the potential for evil resides within each person. Man has the potential to exhibit great kindness or to rape and pillage. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding deals with this evil that exists in the heart of man. With his mastery of such literary tool as structure, syntax, diction, point of view and presentation of character, GoldingRead MoreLord of the Flies Comparative Essay (Film vs Book)1495 Words à |à 6 PagesLord of the Flies comparative essay The novel, ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠by William Golding was published in 1954. Itââ¬â¢s the story of a group of boys stranded on an island with no adults. Since then, it has had two film adaptions. The first adaption was produced in 1963, directed by the Englishman Peter Brook. This version was filmed in black and white and follows the events of the book very closely. The second adaption came twenty-seven years later in 1990, which was directed by the American Harry HookRead MoreSavagery vs. Instincts in Lord of the Flies1117 Words à |à 5 PagesSavagery vs. Instincts in Lord of the Flies The Seed of Evil This is an island. At least I think its an island. Thats a reef out in the sea. Perhaps there arent any grownups anywhere (Ralph, Chapter 1). Stranded on an island, facing a crisis that resulted from one of humanityââ¬â¢s many wars, the boys become a model that represents humanity itself. They organize to help one another cope with this strange experience. A tiny system of government is formed, and the boys are somehow empoweredRead More Importance of Fear in The Lord of the Flies Essay1167 Words à |à 5 PagesImportance of Fear in The Lord of the Flies à à à à à The boys in the book, The Lord of the Flies, are controlled by their fear of the beast.à This fear is not of the beast itself, but of the unknown. It comes from not knowing whether or not a beast exists. à The children start as one united group.à They are a community in their own.à Slowly, rules started to get broken, individuals began to leave, and the group broke apart.à The one thing that causes this break-up is the beast. TheRead MoreLord Of The Flies Literary Analysis1191 Words à |à 5 Pages ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠written by William Golding and published in 1954 is an allegory and social commentary that takes place on a deserted tropical island. An island that becomes populated when a plane crashes and leaves British schoolboys stranded. The group of boys attempt to recreate the civilization they came from, by choosing a leader: Ralph but, Jack wants to lead also, which causes the boys to little by little leave civility and form into savages. The microcosm Golding creates exploresRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words à |à 7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Goldingââ¬â¢s experienceRead MoreLord Of The Flies Reflection Essay867 Words à |à 4 Pages Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a classic novel that begins with a group of schoolboys being stranded on a desert island after a plane crash. Upon their arrival, they learn there are no adults with them, and so their journey begins. Throughout the book, the boys attempt to establish a government, but eventually fall flat when the boys savage behavior escalates. In the beginning, being on the island seemed like all fun and games, however, as time progressed the boys came to realizeRead More The Prevalence of Humanity1662 Words à |à 7 Pagesidea of societal defects linking back to the defects of human nature is also reflected on in Animal Farm by George Orwell and Lord of the Flies by William Golding, reaching the conclusion that humanity will ultimately prevail, but only if it chooses to act against the forces of injustice. Both the initial influences in the societies of Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies (Snowball and Ralph respectively) have striking similarities. Both of these leaders are more concerned about the long-term needsRead MoreGood Vs. Evil : The Lord Of The Flies And Wwii1450 Words à |à 6 Pagesand evil in the Lord of the Flies and WWII The Lord of the Flies by William Golding has shocked and stunned most everyone in the world that has read it because of the connections it makes to World War II people and countries. It provides deep insight on how civilization will eventually not exist or will be corrupted because of the evil that is found in everyone. For example, the greatest power civilization has is the power of knowledge, represented by piggy in the Lord of the Flies, and Mr. Albert
Illusion and Mendacity - 1706 Words
Peter Tim Soriano Mr. Chalmers ENG 4U 16 December 2013 Illusion and Mendacity In Tennessee Williamsââ¬â¢ plays Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire, several characters suffer by lying and by being unaware of reality. Both plays demonstrate and signify the themes of illusion vs. reality and mendacity through past trauma, alcohol abuse, and through strained family and marital relationships. In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Brick is an example to all of these factors through his past with his friend skipper, his abuse of alcohol, and the lack of love he shows for his wife, while in A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche encounters similar problems as Brick with her past trauma and her alcohol problem. The two plays share many similaritiesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She could not give him the help he needed and as a result, he committed suicide. Since then, Blanche has been living her life based on lies and does not know what reality is anymore as she says, ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want realism. I want magic!â⬠(117) After Mitch fi nds out that she has been hiding her age from him, Blanche confesses that she does not want reality instead she wants magic. In the same quote, she also confesses that she does not tell the truth, but tells what ought to be truth. Blancheââ¬â¢s past traumas relates Brickââ¬â¢s past traumaââ¬â¢s in a way that they both lost someone important in their lives. When Blanche lost her husband, and when Brick lost his friend Skipper, both Brick and Blanche find themselves living in illusion to escape reality, through abuse of alcohol. The abuse of alcohol is shown in both plays with Brick, and Blanche. From the beginning of the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, it reveals that Brick is an alcoholic. He uses alcohol to escape from reality ever he lost his friend Skipper. At one point, Big Daddy talks to Brick about his issues and he asks Brick if the doctor had lied to him about the cancer results, Brick answers by saying that ââ¬Å"Mendacity is a system that we live in. Liquor is one wa y out anââ¬â¢ deathââ¬â¢s the otherâ⬠¦.â⬠(94) Brick reveals to Big Daddy that the doctors lied to himShow MoreRelatedSymbolism, Imagery and Allegory in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire2119 Words à |à 9 Pages`American Dream at a higher level. He is also symbolic of the old world in contrast to the new world of `no-neck monsters. à Big Daddys cancer is a microcosm of the mendacity eating away at the Pollits. This could be Williams way of commenting on how the old spirit of America is dying through the mendacity spreading throughout it. à This way of thinking would certainly encapsulate the post-depression feeling of the time found in plays such as Millers Death of a SalesmanRead More Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 890 Words à |à 4 Pagesradio-phonograph, TV set and liquor cabinet. He seems incredulous at the size and symbolism in this possession. He writes, This piece of furniture (?!), this monument, is a very completer and compact little shrine to virtually all the comforts and illusions behind which we hide from such things as the characters in the play are faced with . . . (Williams 660). He is quite right. Not only does Brick hide behind the liquor in the cabinet, his true crutch, but the furniture does exemplify all theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2182 Words à |à 9 Pages The promise of riches and success that comes on the back of hard work: the American Dream. Did it wither away? Was it lost in a sea of greed and mendacity, the roots of its vision forgotten amidst material success? Furthermore, if the American Dream is stripped away of its tangible aspects, acquired solely upon wealth; one is simply left with an idealistic concept that is unattainable. Such are the big questions posed to the reader in F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s novel, The Great Gatsby. Published inRead More The Power of Money in F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby1789 Words à |à 8 PagesGatsby ignorantly, but elegantly, tells him San Francisco, geography losing to the pretensions of the romantic imaginations (Lehan 60). These and numerous other lies prove how James Gatz tries to recapture the past through the use of enamorous mendacity. There is one reason only why Gatsby tries so desperately to alter his past, his pursuit of one money stained Daisy. Jay tries to buy Daisy in various ways. Not only does he buy many material items to impress her, but he continues to accumulate asRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1840 Words à |à 8 Pagesbeing born into a poor family generated an obsession with wealth and status that he has worked to attain his whole life. In Daisy he sees wealth, explaining the motives behind Gatsbyââ¬â¢s desire while incorporating themes of the American Dream and mendacity. Jay Gatsby epitomizes the American dream which necessitates his obsession with Daisy Buchanan, the personification of wealth. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s failure to achieve his goal of winning Daisy illustrates the hypocrisy of the American dream. Jay Gatsby playsRead More The Characters Of Samson And Dalila in Miltons Samson Agonistes2392 Words à |à 10 Pagestrim . . . and streamers waving. She even smells sweet, being followed by a damsel train and amber scent of odorous perfume. It seems as if the Chorus has fallen under Dalilas spell as Samson had. à Samson, however, is under no such illusions. Perhaps his blindness prevents him from capitulating to her beauty, in the same way that in Greek mythology, sailors, having blocked up their ears, saw the Sirens for the evil creatures that they were, rather than be charmed to their deaths byRead More Displacement and Don Juan Essay5873 Words à |à 24 Pagescounters the fleshââ¬â¢s dictatesââ¬âavowals of innocence, justifications, explanations, protestsââ¬âthat proves frail. Almost caught by her old husband in flagrante, Julia stuffs Juan deep down in her bed and launches into some seventeen stanzas of bravura mendacity, one of DJââ¬â¢s most sustained set pieces. ââ¬Å"Ungrateful, perjured, barbarous Don Alfonso,â⬠Julia declaims, ââ¬Å"How dare you think your lady would go on so?â⬠The rhetorical steam only builds from there: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Yes, search and search,ââ¬â¢ she cried, / ââ¬ËInsult onRead MoreExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words à |à 94 Pagestheir ââ¬Å"ideality,â⬠the fact that they arise entirely through the projects of human beings against the background of an otherwise meaningless and indifferent world. Existential moral psychology emphasizes human freedom and focuses on the sources of mendacity, self-deception, and hypocricy in moral consciousness. The familiar existential themes of anxiety, nothingness, and the absurd must be understood in this context. At the same time, there is deep concern to foster an authentic stance toward the human
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychology and Depression Essay - 3373 Words
Psychology and Depression Men pray to the gods for health and they ignore that it is in their power to have it. -Democritus Depression: Depression is an illness, that strikes all ages, all races and all genders. It has no limit on how severe or how slight it will hit. Depression has been with us for as long as people have been around. In biblical times, depression was there, being noted several times in the Old Testament as manic-depression. Hippocrates, a Greek physician, was the first man to write a medical description of the disease. He called it melancholia, which means a mental disorder. Depression is also proven to be a family thing. Professor Myrnaâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Dr. Verny, co-author of The Secret life of the Unborn Child, believes that mother to child bonding actually begins in the womb. Dr. Verny has a theory that the embryo can in fact have emotional problems, that come from the mother. How can this be? Dr. Verny explains, since the mother and the baby share everything, if the mother becomes depressed the baby can feel it. Since depression is a chemical off-balance in the head, the hormones that are in the blood stream are effected too. The imbalance hormones, travel to the baby through the blood, and thus the baby receives the hormones. Now the babys hormones are imbalanced and the baby becomes depressed too. The baby can stay depressed in the womb, and even after its born. Thats why psychiatrists, are now treating infant depression. Environmental Depression: Depression does not result only from psychological, and genetic matters. But in fact depression can also come from an environment. If a childs sibling is depressed, or a parent, the child becomes used to this depressive life, and slowly becomes depressed too. The child could be perfectly happy, but because he/she is continually surrounded by depression, it becomes a way of life for the child too. Risks of Depression: Their are a lot of risks when dealing with depression. From eating disorders to suicide,Show MoreRelatedPositive Psychology and Depression3563 Words à |à 15 PagesPositive Psychology in the Treatment of Major Depression Positive psychology is a strengths-oriented, positively focused approach to human behaviors and thoughts that is relatively recent to the overall field of psychology. Previous schools of thought had always focused on the abnormalities, weaknesses, and pathologies of people. Positive psychology is an exceptionally new branch of psychology and aims at making life more fulfilling, enjoyable, and happy instead of just tolerable; they wish toRead MoreEssay on Psychology, the Brain, and Depression696 Words à |à 3 PagesPsychology, as most know, is the study of the mind and personal or group thoughts, feelings, and emotions in humans and animals. Scientists study, analyze, and investigate many areas of psychology, but the causes and effects of mood disorders and emotion irregularities are still unrecognized. Many studies were an attempt to find more information on mental illnesses. One of the most common illnesses in the United States is depression, also; it is the most often recognize d mental illness in the worldRead MoreClinical Psychology : Severe Depression1062 Words à |à 5 Pages Clinical Psychology: Severe Depression I have chosen Clinical Psychology severe depression; the reason for that is because it is very common, over nine million Americans are diagnosed with clinical depression at some point in their lives. Many more people suffer from clinical depression because they do not seek treatment. They may feel that depression is a personal weakness, or try to cope with their symptoms alone. On the other hand, some people are comfortable with admitting their symptomsRead MorePsychology Autobiographical Assignment On Depression1809 Words à |à 8 PagesPsychology Autobiographical Assignment The first concept I am going to discuss is depression. When I was in high school I suffered from depression. When I was a freshman I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) which is also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This could be described as a disease that is characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that only become worse with the exertion of energy. CFS is very hard to diagnose because a lot of theRead MoreDoes Positive Psychology Ease Symptoms of Depression1105 Words à |à 5 Pagesthose well versed in the field of psychology may know very little about the idea and subject of positive psychology. It almost seems as though so much attention and time is focused on human emotional, mental, and overall psychological ailments and woes that one easily forgets that there is a flipside to this. Positive psychology aims to target not the negative feelings or even the circumstantial triggers that set off psychological hot butto n issues like depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsionRead MoreAbnormal Psychology-Unipolar and Bipolar Depression Essay1046 Words à |à 5 PagesAbnormal Psychology | Unipolar and Bipolar Depression | Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Shawn M Best 10/16/2011 | Identifying the causes of unipolar and bipolar depression can be a complicated task because there are no known exact causes, just theories. These theories include chemical and hormonal imbalances within the brain, a misfiring of ion activity, and inherited genetics or biological abnormalities (Comer, 2005). Individuals who suffer with unipolar depression, which isRead MoreClinical Psychology Should Not Be Taken Lightly1382 Words à |à 6 PagesClinical psychology is one of the most beneficial branches in psychology. It is a specialty that provides behavioural and mental healthcare for individuals and families worldwide (Hunsley and Lee, 2014). Across all cultures, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds, clinical psychology provides proper assessment and treatment plans for mental illnesses (Dozois, 2012). However, there are many individuals that underestimate the reliability and value that clinical psychology offers to our society. ClinicalRead MoreThe Downfall Of Positive Psychology1654 Words à |à 7 Pages The Downfall of Positive Psychology In Schrankââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Positive psychology: An Approach to Supporting Recovery in Mental Illnessâ⬠he discusses the definition, history, research, and psychotherapy that is involved with positive psychology. There are multiple definitions that psychologists have developed for positive psychology that stem from six core domains which are ââ¬Å"(i) virtues and character strengths, (ii) happiness, (iii) growth, fulfilment of capacities, development of highest self, (iv) good lifeRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1161 Words à |à 5 PagesThere are many branches in the world of psychology. There is the behavior psychology, also known as behaviorism, a leading theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Cognitive psychology, the branch of psychology that focuses on internal states, such as motivation, problem solving, decision making, thinking and attention. Development psychology, the branch that looks at developme nt throughout the lifespan, from childhood to adulthood. Out of the manyRead MoreAbnormal Psychology and Therapy: Physical Illnesses and Disorders1228 Words à |à 5 PagesAbnormal Psychology and Therapy If you have an infection, you go to the doctor. There are many different treatments for any number of physical illnesses and disorders, but what if the illness or disorder is in your mind? For psychology to have any validity as a science, research must show there is a common way to think, react, and feel amongst humans; uniform mental processes. So far, research has shown that one can study the behaviors of a small group and compare them to a larger population;
Comic Books And Their Influence On Society - 1626 Words
Anyone can be a hero, regardless of the colour of their skin, who they love, or what religion they affiliate with. Superheroes are no different, although comics and their adaptations have a history of contradicting this reality. Comic books and their related renditions have often overlooked minority characters, like influential media has a tendency to, without regard to their audience (Aucoin, 2014). Superheroes have become an integral part of popular (pop) culture: the cultural preference of the mainstream populace, which holds considerable command on cultural and moral values of a society (Crossman, 2014). Because superheroes have such a powerful social presence in pop culture, it is important for them to be as diverse as their audience. Comic books have long withstanding been an integral part of pop culture, beginning in the early 20th century and continuing to influence entertainment outlets even in modern times. Comic books gained notoriety through their utilization of larger than life superheroes: beings of noble cause and great power who use their skills for good. Comic books became the medium of modern mythology, their heroes rising up to challenge the afflictions of history (Romaniello, n.d.). Heroes emerged in response to national crises. From Superman and the Great Depression, to Captain America and World War II, and the X-Men as an allusion for homosexuality, superheroes became beacons of hope and morale, to help people better understand and relate to civilShow MoreRelatedThe Superhero Effect: Idealism and Stereotypes in Comic Books1577 Words à |à 7 PagesIn our society, certain ideals are held in high regard. Individuals relentlessly pursue these ideals to achieve a perceived perfection. These principle s are often depicted in media that further glorifies and establishes a desire to pursue these paragons. 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Regardless of the many artists that strive to redefine boundaries that are merely a price tag away from common ancestry. Unacceptable is the disregard by those who are in the know when they hold aloft two metric tonnes of polished grotesque above the increasingly popular and diverseRead MoreThe Impact Of Comics And Superheroes On The American Society1203 Words à |à 5 PagesImpact of Comics and Superheroes on the American SocietyA superhero is an anecdotal character of extraordinary physical prowess committed to demonstrations of derring-do in general society interest. Since the introduction of Superman in 1938, stories of superheroes from short to long episode adventures; have ruled American comic books and traversed into other media. These superheroes and comics have been used to display both negative and p ositive social and cultural values in the American society. CaptainRead MoreThe Effects Of Comic Books On Children942 Words à |à 4 Pageschildren that would become an overwhelming emotion when exposed to violence in society. Jones saw that comic books could be an avenue to lead children out of this emotion trap. Jones used his son as an example to show how effective this technique really works. ââ¬Å"In the first grade, his friends started climbing a tree at school. But his son was afraid of fallingâ⬠¦I took my cue from his own fantasies and read him old Tarzan comics, rich in combat and adventure â⬠¦Then he put them aside. He mustarded up theRead MoreInfluence Of Female Heroines On Women Today1324 Words à |à 6 PagesJanuary 2015 The Influence of Female Heroines on Women Today In the entertainment world today, comic superheroines are conveying messages to women everywhere that their powers are not limited, and they all have the ability to choose their fate. Many movies, tv shows, and comics are coming out that involve strong, independent women. This recent rise in representation has gotten out to women everywhere, and this is influencing them throughout their lives. With the rise of female comic book characters inRead MoreCultural Mirror And Hidden Intent1207 Words à |à 5 Pages Comics : Cultural Mirror and Hidden Intent Culà ¬tural texts are objects, actions, and behavà ¬iors that reveal culà ¬tural meanà ¬ings. An entire space, peoà ¬ple and their interà ¬acà ¬tions, the rità ¬uà ¬als, norms and the varà ¬ià ¬ous forms in which they manà ¬ià ¬fest are ââ¬Å"readà ¬ableâ⬠texts, suità ¬able for obserà ¬vaà ¬tion and analyà ¬sis. Especially when talking about culture and what is signified. One such example for cultural text are graphical novels called comic books. From time and again it is seen that comic booksRead MoreThe Adventures Of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck Essay1201 Words à |à 5 Pagesto 1841, modern comics have had a long history. Since The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck, which is generally accepted as the first American comic, comics as a genre of literature has changed both technologically and in perception (Greenberger). Throughout American history, comics have served as both an influence and a reflection of the time period. As America grew, changed, and experienced major historical events, society and the ideas within changed along with it. Many comic historians cite
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Death lies upon her like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field Essay Example For Students
Death lies upon her like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field Essay In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare one of the main theme is Time versus Love. Time is such a strong presence in the play it is an almost unnamed character; the whole play is conducted in less than a week creating urgency and a rush of time. Fate is also their enemy and is expressed by a series of impossible coincidences that end up Romeo and Juliet both dead. Shakespeare also portrays many different types of love expressed by multiple characters but none survives the destructive forces of time. The play begins on a Sunday morning where Sampson is introduced. Sampson; a strong man who loves fighting and is good with woman that is Sampsons self image. Sampson thinks of love as a kind of war or battle using words such as; weapon, cut, push, thrust. Also he says tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh suggesting that he only cares about the physical sensation not love itself. It is a selfish kind of love as he brutalizes woman out of existence; I will cut off their heads the head of the maids or their maidenheads. Mercutio carries a similar idea of love. If love be rough with you, be rough with love: prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. He only thinks of the literal physical love. He is only able to think that Romeo is feeling lust and portrays this in often humorous sexual innuendoes. However Mercutio dies from Tybalts sword through his best friends arms; That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds, Which too untimely here did scorn the earth. Tybalt the King of c ats is, against all odds, killed by Romeo who isnt even involved in his family brawls. We will write a custom essay on Death lies upon her like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now While Sampson and Mercutios idea of love involves the physical side of love Romeos is the exact opposite. His love is in his mind as he hopelessly dreams of Rosaline. Romeo loves but his love is never returned but Romeo just enjoys dramatising himself in his own mind. He explains that his love hurts; Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boistrous, and it pricks like thorn. Romeo actually enjoys the pain he receives from being in love. But all so soon as the all-cheering sun should in the farthest east begin to draw shuts up his windows, lock fair daylight out, and makes himself and artificial night. Romeo fearing the sun will cheer him up locks it out . But since Romeo is only attracted to Rosaline because she is pure, virginal and chased it put him in a paradoxical situation; if Rosaline does what he wants her to he would no longer love her. But with Juliet there is passion; passion lends them power, time means, to meet. But it was too rash too like lightning and ill-timed to get married the next day. Mercutio accuses Romeos love for Rosaline to be only a dream; through lovers brains, and then they dream of love. Romeo admits this love feel I, that feel no love in this. And just as in a dream he forgets Rosaline when he meets Juliet; I have forgotten that name, and that names woe. Juliets true mother is the Nurse; her mother Lady Capulet did not nurse her because she had been trying to escape from the ravages of time; her figure was more important to her than her daughter. Also Juliets father does not see Juliet as a daughter but a sort of property that he can use to expand his business; Juliet and County Paris marrying would give him more wealth and power. When Juliet refuses to marry Paris Capulet commands her to go with Paris to Saint Peters Church, or drag on a hurdle thither. He also changes his opinion of her. From blessd that God had lent us but this only child he says This one is one too much. When Juliet, afraid of her father leans on her mother she coldly replies; talk not to me, for I will not speak a word. Do as they wilt, for I have done with thee. It is similar with Romeos parents; there is not a scene in the play where Romeo talks to his parents and instead they send Benvolio to do the talking. The friar is Romeos real father but he betrays Ro meo by offering nothing but the nunnery to Juliet and running away without Juliet, leaving her alone and ready to suicide. Come, go, good Juliet, I dare no longer stay Also the nurse betrays Juliet by not supporting her when Capulet is angered; Romeo is a dishclout to him, but actually agrees with her parents even though she knew that they are married and have consummated their love. .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .postImageUrl , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:hover , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:visited , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:active { border:0!important; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:active , .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9a678b5ef9a037adaf3f2812f428170e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What is Priestley's message in An Inspector CallsOther than physical, mental and parental love there is true love. Love both of the body and mind. After their death Montague raises Juliets and Capulet, Romeos, statue in pure gold; the symbol of their love will last forever because gold can resist the force of time. Their love is everlasting and endless; boundless as the sea, my love as deep. Romeo also says that nothing can hold their love out; For stony limits cannot love out and not even the threat of death will stop it: There lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords! Look thou but sweet and I am proof against their enmity. In Act 3 Scene 1 Romeo even tri es to love Tybalt since now he is a relative by marriage; I have to love thee for Juliet but this leads to Mercutios death. Juliet confesses that she would do anything to be with Romeo all my fortunes at thy foot Ill lay and follow thee my lord throughout the world. Throughout these events Time and fortune has always been their enemy and is expressed a series of impossible coincidences. The first coincidence is when the Capulet servant comes to Romeo to ask him to read the guest list leading to the fatal meeting of Romeo and Juliet. Ironically when the servant asks I pray, good sir, can you read Romeo replies Ay, my own fortune in my misery perhaps implying that his death will be caused by his misery. After this day Romeo and Juliet get married and next day Romeo kills Tybalt leading to his banishment. When Romeo leaves for Mantua Juliet says; O fortune, fortune! I hope, thou wont keep him long, but send him back. Time was the only separating the two lover; I must hear from thee every day in the hour, for in a minute there are many days. However when Romeo comes back, he dies. Juliet is forced to take the potion because of the lack of time; Time is very short and most unfortunately her faked death reaches Romeos ear before the true story. Romeo travels to her deathbed in moments to see her for the last time and hastily takes the poison and Juliet wakes up and stabs herself to be with Romeo forever. At his banishment Romeo says O, I am Fortunes fool fool meaning plaything. Also when Juliet has a row with Capulet desperate not to marry Paris Capulet calls her an A whining mammet, in her fortunes tender. He complains that she is crying when good luck has been offered to her but of course this is the opposite. This is all orchestrated by fortune and there was nothing to do to stop it. This days black fate on mo days doth depend; This but begins the woe others must end. In conclusion the theme is love versus time. The two lovers timing was never right which led to ultimately their death. But the question remains; Can love really withstand time? Although Romeo and Juliet dies, Tybalt and Mercutio is slain, Rosaline is forgotten entirely, the Capulets betray their daughter for wealth and power the meaning of love that feared not even death still goes on. Their sacrifice causes peace among the two families when they see the true meaning of love.
Computer Literacy in Business
Question: Discuss about the Report on Computer Literacy in Business? Answer: Executive Summary The business scheme Small Business: Great Ambition in the UK has provided the business owners with this opportunity to expand their business which consisted of several measures designed for small businesses. In this it is decided to recruit four new office and sales staffs but in order to get them working several factors should be kept in mind to run the business. The new employees means the office and sales staff will need new hardware and software according to their needs for the proper functioning of the business. Now, the installation of hardware or software is a cost consuming procedure but in here we are going to discuss about how the installation can be made accost-effective by predetermining the hardware and software requirements to run the systems in the business process. The staffs in the office will require general utility softwares such that to continue their daily office process and the sales team will require the sales and marketing software which will fulfill the purpo se of keeping track of the financial and sales figures of the company. This company deals with wholesale retailing so the softwares being introduced are updated with security measures and thus can be taken into account by the sales team such that it proves to be the perfect solution for the business process. In my business there is also another concern that is on how to borrow money from the market as well as implementing powerful tools that are also cost-effective in nature and can help both the office and sales team to continue the development in the business process. This summary includes all the hardware and softwares that will be required to run the business process and the costs for these requirements will be calculated on the basis of the tables by multiplying the cost with the quantities of the resources in the below mentioned discussions. The success of the business depends upon the resources that will help in the productivity of the business and the money is borrowed from the investors by preparing an estimate of the resources. The hardware is the main concern so as to support the softwares that will be installed and used for the business purpose. The sales team will coordinate with the office team with the help of servers that will help to share the information among themselves and so as speed up the process of the business and increase the productivity of the business. Now, the following analysis was done to determine the costs involved in the setup of the office and introduce new employees into the business. Hardware Analysis Desktops Remote Working devices System Requirements Client Server Printers Tablet Operating System Win XP or Higher Windows Server 2003 or higher Operating System Win XP or Higher Android or Win 7 Processor Intel Pentium IV Higher Intel Core2Duo Higher or Amd Athelon or Higher Make Color IdeaTab Clock Speed 1.2 GHz (min) 2.1 GHz (min) Model Laser-Jet Touchpad Memory 512MB RAM (min) 2GB RAM (min) Resolution 600 dpi (min) 768x1024 Hard Disk Drive 500 MB free 20GB free Speed 20 PPM 1.2 GHz (min) Monitor VGA (640x480) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher VGA (640x480) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher CD/DVD - ROM CD- ROM DVD - ROM Vendor Dell IBM Canon HP Price 69.99 470.03 49.99 268.51 The above table depicts the hardware analysis to setup office for the business and the daily running of the business process. The hardware analysis gives an overview for the introduction of the new systems into the business and thus helps to overcome the obstacles in the daily business process (Furnell and Moore, 2014). The two modules of the hardware requirement are defined as desktops and remote working devices. The desktop section involves two parts the client and server side this means that the servers will provide functions or services to clients means the employees of the business organization (Hossain, Perrin and Cumming, 2012). The hardware plays an important role as it supports the softwares to run in the system and thus helps coordination among the sales and office administration team related to the business. Though the hardware costs are much higher than the softwares cost but these are one time investment as it does not requires to be upgraded day-by-day like softwares. T his analysis provides with the cost related to setup the hardwares required in the running of the software to continue the business process. These are often called as the backbone of computing in businesses as the total business infrastructure is developed on the basis of the hardwares (Lubbe, Mentz and Kroon, 2014). Software Analysis General Purpose Security Software System Requirements Sales And Marketing Pro Tally ERP 9 Norton Internet Security IObit Advanced System Care Ultimate 8 Operating System Win XP or Higher Win XP or Higher Win XP or Higher Win XP Service Pack 3 or Higher Processor IBM-compatible Pentium PC or higher (32/64 bit) Intel Core2Duo or higher Intel Pentium IV higher Intel dual core Higher Memory 512MB RAM (min) 1GB RAM (min) 128 MB RAM (min) 256MB RAM Hard Disk Drive 500 MB free 1 GB free 256 MB free 300MB free Monitor SVGA (800x600) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher SVGA (800x600) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher VGA (640x480) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher VGA (640x480) with 256 colors. Recommended - 1024x768 with 16-bit color or higher CD/DVD - ROM CD- ROM CD- ROM DVD- ROM DVD- ROM Vendor Palo Alto Software Tally Solutions Norton Iobit Price 115.41 504.09 45.46 32.05 This analysis of the softwares required for the running of the business can be divided into two parts as general utility software and security softwares to ensure the security of the information or systems being introduced into the office. The main purpose of the security softwares is to provide a secure platform to the business infrastructure such that there is no loss or theft in the information stored in the systems required for the running of the business. Thus before the installation or purchase of the softwares it should be consulted with security technicians and the overheads for the softwares should also be calculated so as to maintain the standard of the business process. The software provides a platform to run the business application so that the business process flow is not hampered and ensure competitiveness in the market by retaining the reputation and valuable information required to run the business process (Shaker and Farooq, 2013). Conclusion In this context to setup an office for a small business of retail there is a requirement for cost estimation and how the money can be borrowed from the market so as to continue the business process. The several factors that costs include are location, software and hardware required to run the systems for the business and how they can be achieved keeping in mind the cost-effectiveness for the business. The running of the business will depend totally on the systems of computing being introduced into the business and they should be well developed to fulfill the requirements of the office as well as sales team staffs. The software part consisted of general utility software and security software. And the hardware analysis composed of networking, printing, computers and other remote working devices for the sales staff. So, from this it can be concluded that small business may be carried out but involves several aspects for cost analysis which if not evaluated properly may hamper the flow o f the business process. Reference List Addah, J. (2012). Computer Literacy and E-learning: Attitudes among First Year Students in a Ghanaian Medical School.International Journal of Computer Applications, 51(22), pp.21-25. Akuoma, A. (2012). A Comparative Study of Computer Literacy in Urban And Rural Primary Schools In Rivers State of Nigeria.JSR, 3(2). Bayrak, F. and Yurdugl, H. (2013). 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